Finish it all to the completion be if you don't mind. To see it all in action. 
Again, I don't know what to do with this function, sorry. Why is it in builds? 
So standalone build.xml and ant target would be without this or we would need 
to duplicate?

I am by no mean against this exploration, I would like to see it all playing 
together, that is all.

From: Josh McKenzie <>
Sent: Monday, October 31, 2022 20:36
To: dev
Subject: Re: Some tests are never executed in CI due to their name

NetApp Security WARNING: This is an external email. Do not click links or open 
attachments unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe.

I just feel we need to plumb this on quite a low level to achieve this. Why not 
to put a 5 line checkstyle in place, rename few classes and move on.

# lists all tests for the specific test type
_list_tests() {
    local -r classlistprefix="$1"
    find "test/$classlistprefix" -name '*' | sed 
"s;^test/$classlistprefix/;;g" | sort

Shouldn't be that painful should it?

On Mon, Oct 31, 2022, at 3:21 PM, Miklosovic, Stefan wrote:
>> It's unclear to me how the combination of "Has @Test, is not an abstract 
>> class top level matching file, and is inside the test folder" is going to 
>> significantly break anything. Maybe I'm missing something; would love to 
>> learn.

I just don't see where you want to "hook" this step exactly either in the CI 
run or in build.xml or what have you. My wild guess is that this translates to 
some kind of a bash script, right (checking if it has @Test and not abstract) ? 
And then what? So we have property, so your idea is to somehow get 
the list of classes and then you want to feed it to property? That 
property would be very long if we are going to enumerate whole test suite with 
package names as well, not super user friendly if you ask me. I just feel we 
need to plumb this on quite a low level to achieve this. Why not to put a 5 
line checkstyle in place, rename few classes and move on.

I would still love to have file names somehow consistent so they are also 
visually easily recognizable (what is test and what not) in IDE or similar.

Also, I would like to hear opinions of others when it comes to this second idea.

From: Josh McKenzie <<>>
Sent: Monday, October 31, 2022 19:25
To: dev
Subject: Re: Some tests are never executed in CI due to their name

NetApp Security WARNING: This is an external email. Do not click links or open 
attachments unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe.

So to be clear, I don't really feel super strongly on this, I just thought 
Derek's suggestion seemed clean and elegant. Checkstyle to force a certain 
naming convention on things is fine enough; I certainly wouldn't stand in the 
way. Tooling like that self-educates users (see: Guardrails) so it's pretty low 
friction to the community IMO.

Secondly, I still do not know how you want to practically implement what you 
suggest without significantly breaking anything.
It's unclear to me how the combination of "Has @Test, is not an abstract class 
top level matching file, and is inside the test folder" is going to 
significantly break anything. Maybe I'm missing something; would love to learn.

how to actually be sure that a developer knows that his test not only passed 
but it was selected to be run
Andres' changes to .circleci/ mean you're going to see a _repeat run 
of whatever tests you change or add. I think both approaches (heuristic to 
determine if a file contains tests to run vs. checkstyle enforced naming 
convention) are more or less comparable here.

On Mon, Oct 31, 2022, at 12:26 PM, Miklosovic, Stefan wrote:
I think we are already adhering to them without any effort. Overwhelming 
majority of devs are naming their tests "just right" and I do not think they 
are doing that with any significant effort, probably none. We are only 
re-enforcing the unspoken everybody implicitly agreed on. If somebody does not 
name their tests like the rest, I think it would raise the red flags already 
during a review.

Secondly, I still do not know how you want to practically implement what you 
suggest without significantly breaking anything.

I think the crucial question we should ask is how to actually be sure that a 
developer knows that his test not only passed but it was selected to be run 
(now based on *Test). How did these tests which skipped as of now end up there 
in the first place? Somebody just committed them, run the CI and "it was green" 
so they proceed with the commit. But they did not check it was actually run 
because "why not?".

So, we are putting a kind of detector in place to signal that a test is not 
going to be actually even run when the checkstyle fails.

From: Josh McKenzie 
Sent: Monday, October 31, 2022 17:16
To: dev
Subject: Re: Some tests are never executed in CI due to their name

NetApp Security WARNING: This is an external email. Do not click links or open 
attachments unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe.

I do not think that having a test class called "SdsdakASsdadsada" which happen 
to contain @Test and is not abstract should be considered to be a valid file 
name / test class
I mean, I wouldn't recommend it certainly, but I'm not concerned about whether 
a file is "TestThing" or "ThingTest" or "WeTestThing". The ordering of names on 
those files adds very little IMO.

I do not think we are actually winning anything with that approach.
Well, the name of this thread is "Some tests are never executed in CI due to 
their name" and it fixes that in a robust way without asking of any behavior 
changes of the project community to adhere to an arbitrary rigid naming 
guideline for something. So there's that. :)

On Mon, Oct 31, 2022, at 8:02 AM, Miklosovic, Stefan wrote:
I always hit "send" before realizing I have other points to add :)

I was thinking we want to go with checkstyle and check the name. Not manually 
parsing the file names. Do not we also want these test files to look 
consistent? I do not think that having a test class called "SdsdakASsdadsada" 
which happen to contain @Test and is not abstract should be considered to be a 
valid file name / test class. Do not we also want to enforce some regularity 
into this?

Another point is that even we parsed we so it will be picked up while tests are 
executed, that means that it will not be checked on the commit?

Lastly, how do you actually want to do this if we currently have 
property which is a simple regexp (*Test)? is pretty much how we do 
this currently and I am not sure we want to break this in all CI scripts.

I do not think we are actually winning anything with that approach.


From: Josh McKenzie 
Sent: Monday, October 31, 2022 12:49
To: dev
Subject: Re: Some tests are never executed in CI due to their name

NetApp Security WARNING: This is an external email. Do not click links or open 
attachments unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe.

To Derek's point, why not go with:

Would it be sufficient to look for files that don't end in "" but 
contain "@Test" annotations?
+ exclude files that contain "abstract class" in them that matches the file 

Combine that w/checking specific subdirectories and we relax the required 
naming convention quite a bit; makes it easy to do the right thing and hard to 
do the wrong thing.

It's also very simple which is a feature.

On Fri, Oct 28, 2022, at 4:17 AM, Miklosovic, Stefan wrote:
Hi Berenguer,

I agree. We can always go heavy-weight anyway. I will dedicate more time to 
that the next week. It would be nice if you tagged along and help with the 

FYI the ticket is touching all branches we support (there are some skipped 
tests in 3.0 too), we would just add checkstyle to 4.1 and trunk as discussed, 
so I expect we fix all 5 branches at once.



From: Berenguer Blasi 
Sent: Friday, October 28, 2022 9:43
Subject: Re: Some tests are never executed in CI due to their name

NetApp Security WARNING: This is an external email. Do not click links or open 
attachments unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe.

Hi Stefan,

seems none of the 2 proposals are strongly opposed to. If you feel more 
comfortable with option 1 I say we do that, which will always be a step in the 
right direction. If we see it bites us again in the future then we do 2. But at 
least we bring this benefit/ticket in. I would also be happy to drive option 2 
to completion if needed.


On 25/10/22 14:35, Berenguer Blasi wrote:

Well examples lend themselves to many things. I am sure I could come up with 
examples in the opposite direction. I'd rather talk in terms of the actual 
files and tests we have.

What I was trying to clarify is what I was misunderstanding as I had the 
impression now we were saying option 1 would not leak again.

So option 2, given ant and CI seem to rely on the * notation and also 
prevents future leaks doesn't seem to me a bad idea. Renaming the offending 
files seems a reasonable cost to me (Eclipse does it for me).

My 2cts! But hey, I've been known to be wrong before :shrug: lol

On 25/10/22 12:04, Andrés de la Peña wrote:
Note that the test multiplexer also searches for tests ending with "Test", so 
it will also miss new or modified tests with nonstandard names. The 
automatically detected tests are listed when running, and they are 
added to the repeated run jobs. That gives us another opportunity to detect 
missed tests when we introduce something like "" and see that 
it's not been included in the mandatory repeated runs.

On Tue, 25 Oct 2022 at 10:31, Miklosovic, Stefan 
Hi Berenguer,

I am glad you asked. I was expecting this question.

I think there is a fundamental difference in how we approach this problem. I do 
not say mine is better, I just find it important to describe it clearly.

Let's say we are on a ship which leaks. When I detect that, my course of action 
is to fix the leakage with the biggest patches I can find around with minimal 
effort necessary so we are not taking water anymore. There might still be 
occasional leakages which are very rare but I have a crew who is checking the 
ship constantly anyway (review) and the risk that big leakages like we just 
fixed happen again are relatively very low.

You spot a leakage and instead of fixing it with big patches and calling it a 
day, you are trying to remodel the cabins so they are completely waterproof but 
while doing so, you renamed them so everyone needs to get used to how these 
cabins are called and where they are located, because there is this minimal 
chance that some cadet comes around and starts to live in a cabin he is not 
supposed to and we need to explain it to him. Thousands of cadets found their 
cabins just fine. Occasionally, there are few people who just miss the right 
board completely (Test at start, Tests at the end) and they are automatically 
navigated around (checkstyle) but once in five years there is this guy who just 
completely missed it.

I believe we can just navigate him when that happens. You want to cover that 
guy too.

I just find my approach easier.

You can remodel it all, for sure but I am afraid I will not be a part of that. 
I just do not find it necessary to do that.

From: Berenguer Blasi 
Sent: Tuesday, October 25, 2022 11:08
Subject: Re: Some tests are never executed in CI due to their name

NetApp Security WARNING: This is an external email. Do not click links or open 
attachments unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe.

IIUC we're relying on catching the word 'Split' in the file name for option 1. 
If somebody named his test i.e. 'MyTestGroup1', 'MyTestGroup2', 
'TTLTestPre2038', 'TTLTestPost2038',... I think we would leak tests again? or 
any other word that is not specifically accounted for. Unless I am missing sthg 
ofc! :-)

On 25/10/22 10:39, Miklosovic, Stefan wrote:
> I think that what you wrote is not entirely correct. It will prevent it from 
> happening again when there are tests ending on "Tests" or starting on "Test". 
> The only case it will not cover is "SplitN" issue we plan to cover with 
> relaxed<> property.
> It seems like what you wrote means that we will fix it and tests will leak 
> again. That is not true.
> ________________________________________
> From: Berenguer Blasi 
> <<><<>><<><<>>><<><<>><<><<>>>><<><<>><<><<>>><<><<>><<><<>>>>>>
> Sent: Tuesday, October 25, 2022 7:26
> To: 
> Subject: Re: Some tests are never executed in CI due to their name
> NetApp Security WARNING: This is an external email. Do not click links or 
> open attachments unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe.
> The problem with using the first approach is that it fixes the current
> situation but it doesn't prevent it from happening again. The second
> proposal prevents it from happening again but at the cost of a bigger
> rename I'd volunteer to if needed.
> Regards
> On 24/10/22 20:38, Miklosovic, Stefan wrote:
>> Yeah, that is what the branch in my original email actually already solved. 
>> I mean ...
>> CassandraAuthorizerTruncatingTests
>> BatchTests
>> UUIDTests
>> these are ending on Tests which is illegal and they are fixed there.
>> Other cases are either "TestBase" or "Tester" which should be legal.
>> I think using the first approach and fixing all "SplitN" PLUS adding Split* 
>> to<> regexp should do it.
>> I think we can "automate" at most like you suggest and scan it manually, fix 
>> the stuff and from then incorporate checkstyle to take care of that.
>> There are also some classes which do include @Test methods but I think they 
>> are abstract as they are meant to be extended as the real test is just 
>> wrapping that. This might happen when there are slight variations across 
>> test classes. This is fine as well.
>> ________________________________________
>> From: Derek Chen-Becker 
>> <<><<>><<><<>>><<><<>><<><<>>>><<><<>><<><<>>><<><<>><<><<>>>>>>
>> Sent: Monday, October 24, 2022 19:18
>> To: 
>> Subject: Re: Some tests are never executed in CI due to their name
>> NetApp Security WARNING: This is an external email. Do not click links or 
>> open attachments unless you recognize the sender and know the content is 
>> safe.
>> OK, I think the approach you're proposing is fine. As an orthogonal idea, is 
>> there any way to do a one-time audit to narrow down files that we need to 
>> inspect, or any way to automate confirmation of a file containing tests? For 
>> example:
>> * Start with all of the files under the `test` directory (is it safe to 
>> assume that this is the only location for test classes?) => 1457 files
>> * Remove any files that already end in "" => down to 396 files
>> * Is it safe to assume that only files having "Test" somewhere in their name 
>> are test classes? That reduces the list down to 60 files
>> Alternatively, are we only talking about unit tests? Would it be sufficient 
>> to look for files that don't end in "" but contain "@Test" 
>> annotations? That's a significantly smaller set, so maybe we could fix unit 
>> tests first:
>> ??? for fl in test/unit/**/*.java; do if [[ $fl != * ]]; then if 
>> grep -qF '@Test' $fl; then print $fl; fi; fi; done                           
>>                                                       circleci-parity ? ?
>> test/unit/org/apache/cassandra/auth/
>> test/unit/org/apache/cassandra/cql3/
>> test/unit/org/apache/cassandra/cql3/
>> test/unit/org/apache/cassandra/db/guardrails/
>> test/unit/org/apache/cassandra/db/guardrails/
>> test/unit/org/apache/cassandra/db/guardrails/
>> test/unit/org/apache/cassandra/db/guardrails/
>> test/unit/org/apache/cassandra/db/guardrails/
>> test/unit/org/apache/cassandra/dht/
>> test/unit/org/apache/cassandra/utils/
>> Cheers,
>> Derek
>> On Mon, Oct 24, 2022 at 9:00 AM Miklosovic, Stefan 
>> <<><<>><<><<>>><<><<>><<><<>>>><<><<>><<><<>>><<><<>><<><<>>>>><<><<>><<><<>>><<><<>><<><<>>>><<><<>><<><<>>><<><<>><<><<>>>>>>>
>>  wrote:
>> One more point as I was reading your email in a hurry. The ultimate goal is 
>> to run all tests. So even if we apply the proposed regexp in checkstyle and 
>> there is an unfortunate case that MyTestSplit1 would slip through on a 
>> review and it would not be executed in CI, if we do not figure out some 
>> better regexp, we might relax 
>> "<><>" property to include 
>> Split*.java as well. Yes, this might be also done.
>> Enforcing "all tests to end on "Test" " means that we would need to know 
>> which .java files contain tests and which not without looking into them. I 
>> do not think that is possible under circumstances we have where (checkstyle 
>> module).
>> ________________________________________
>> From: Derek Chen-Becker 
>> <<><<>><<><<>>><<><<>><<><<>>>><<><<>><<><<>>><<><<>><<><<>>>>><<><<>><<><<>>><<><<>><<><<>>>><<><<>><<><<>>><<><<>><<><<>>>>>>>
>> Sent: Monday, October 24, 2022 15:53
>> To: 
>> Subject: Re: Some tests are never executed in CI due to their name
>> NetApp Security WARNING: This is an external email. Do not click links or 
>> open attachments unless you recognize the sender and know the content is 
>> safe.
>> OK, that makes sense, and I missed the rename of "TestBaseImpl" (which I 
>> agree is in need of fixing). When you say:
>>> What we are trying to achieve by that is to have a test which ends on 
>>> "Test" and nothing else and it may contain "Test" only in case it does not 
>>> start with it.
>> Should the regex enforce the "which ends on Test" part? Otherwise, if we 
>> want to allow tests like MyTestSplit1, do we need to update the 
>> "<><><>" parameter 
>> to allow that in the test runner?
>> Thanks,
>> Derek
>> On Mon, Oct 24, 2022 at 7:27 AM Miklosovic, Stefan 
>> <<><<>><<><<>>><<><<>><<><<>>>><<><<>><<><<>>><<><<>><<><<>>>>><<><<>><<><<>>><<><<>><<><<>>>><<><<>><<><<>>><<><<>><<><<>>>>>><<><<>><<><<>>><<><<>><<><<>>>><<><<>><<><<>>><<><<>><<><<>>>>><<><<>><<><<>>><<><<>><<><<>>>><<><<>><<><<>>><<><<>><<><<>>>>>>>>
>>  wrote:
>> Hi Derek,
>> yes, the regexp is ^(?!(?:Test))(?!.*?(?:Tests)).*$
>> What we are trying to achieve by that is to have a test which ends on "Test" 
>> and nothing else and it may contain "Test" only in case it does not start 
>> with it.
>> To your second paragraph, I do not think we have any *Base files which are 
>> tests (that would be a bug) nor they are standalone (not inherited). By 
>> first approach, TestBaseImpl (which we do have) would start to be invalid, 
>> we would have to rename it to "DistributedTestBaseImpl" because it was 
>> starting on "Test" which is no-no. I agree that "TestBaseImpl" is rather 
>> unfortunate name. Currently, TestBaseImpl itself extends 
>> "DistributedTestBase" so in the end we would have "DistributedTestBaseImpl 
>> -> TestBaseImpl -> DistributedTestBase". Please keep in mind that 
>> "DistributedTestBase" is located in dtest jar (separate project) and that is 
>> rather inconvenient to rename.
>> Regards
>> ________________________________________
>> From: Derek Chen-Becker 
>> <<><<>><<><<>>><<><<>><<><<>>>><<><<>><<><<>>><<><<>><<><<>>>>><<><<>><<><<>>><<><<>><<><<>>>><<><<>><<><<>>><<><<>><<><<>>>>>><<><<>><<><<>>><<><<>><<><<>>>><<><<>><<><<>>><<><<>><<><<>>>>><<><<>><<><<>>><<><<>><<><<>>>><<><<>><<><<>>><<><<>><<><<>>>>>>>>
>> Sent: Monday, October 24, 2022 15:09
>> To: 
>> Subject: Re: Some tests are never executed in CI due to their name
>> NetApp Security WARNING: This is an external email. Do not click links or 
>> open attachments unless you recognize the sender and know the content is 
>> safe.
>> For clarity, what is the final regex you've landed on for the first 
>> approach? Is it "^(?!(?:Test))(?!.*?(?:Tests)).*$" ? Are we just trying to 
>> reject anything that *starts* with "Test" or contains "Tests" somewhere in 
>> the name? It might be more clear to state what we think a valid test name 
>> should be, not in regex form.
>> When it comes to "TestBase" files, are there any of these that are actually 
>> intended to be run as a test? The "Base" would indicate to me that it's 
>> intended to be inherited, not run directly. Do we have some "TestBase" 
>> classes somewhere that aren't inherited and are meant to be run directly, 
>> because that definitely seems like a misleading name that should be fixed, 
>> invasive or not. I would lean toward the principle of least surprise here, 
>> even if it means an involved one-time cleanup.
>> Cheers,
>> Derek
>> On Mon, Oct 24, 2022 at 3:02 AM Miklosovic, Stefan 
>> <<><<>><<><<>>><<><<>><<><<>>>><<><<>><<><<>>><<><<>><<><<>>>>><<><<>><<><<>>><<><<>><<><<>>>><<><<>><<><<>>><<><<>><<><<>>>>>><<><<>><<><<>>><<><<>><<><<>>>><<><<>><<><<>>><<><<>><<><<>>>>><<><<>><<><<>>><<><<>><<><<>>>><<><<>><<><<>>><<><<>><<><<>>>>>>><<><<>><<><<>>><<><<>><<><<>>>><<><<>><<><<>>><<><<>><<><<>>>>><<><<>><<><<>>><<><<>><<><<>>>><<><<>><<><<>>><<><<>><<><<>>>>>><<><<>><<><<>>><<><<>><<><<>>>><<><<>><<><<>>><<><<>><<><<>>>>><<><<>><<><<>>><<><<>><<><<>>>><<><<>><<><<>>><<><<>><<><<>>>>>>>>>
>>  wrote:
>> Hi list,
>> it was reported that some tests are not executed as part of CI because of 
>> their name (1). There is (2) and (3) so right now it runs only "*" 
>> files.
>> Except of us renaming the affected classes, we should fix this in a more 
>> robust way - via checkstyle - so we enforce how test files have to be called.
>> We came up with two approaches and we do not know which one to choose so we 
>> want to gather more feedback / opinions.
>> The first approach would make this happen (implemented here (4))
>> class name - passes / fails the checkstyle
>> TestIt - fails
>> TestsThatFeature - fails
>> ThisTestsMyFeature - fails
>> SomeTests - fails
>> SomeHelperClassForTesting - passes
>> SomeTest - passes
>> DistributedTestBase - passes
>> MyTestSplit1 - passes
>> We would fix "SplitN" test files by hand (I think they are not executed 
>> right now in CI either) to something like MySplit1Test and MySplit2Test but 
>> the regexp we would eventually use would not prevent this from happening in 
>> the future. I do not know how to construct such a complex regexp yet which 
>> would cover all cases above plus this splitting one. Feel free to look into 
>> the ticket where details are discussed.
>> The second approach would forbid to have any occurrence of "test" in the 
>> file name but at the end. For example, it would fail on classes like these
>> MyTestSplit1
>> TestHelper
>> BurnTestUtil
>> FuzzTestBase
>> DistributedTestSnitch
>> CASCommonTestCases
>> ServerTestUtils
>> AuthTestUtils
>> TestMemtable
>> While this would also fix "MyTestSplitN" cases, I consider this to be way 
>> more invasive to the current codebase because we would have to rename a lot 
>> of files (like, hundreds, plus a lot of places they are referenced / used 
>> at) and I do not even think this is necessary and desirable. Like, how would 
>> we call "FuzzTestBase" to not contain "Test" in it? I think having "test" 
>> string in the middle is just fine, specifically for helper classes. One 
>> possible fix would be to replace "Test" with "Tester" so we would have 
>> "TesterMemtable", "AuthTesterUtils", "TesterHelper", 
>> "DistributedTesterSnitch" ... Word "Tester" would be explicitly allowed.
>> I personally lean to the first approach even though cases like 
>> "MyTestSplit1" will not be spotted in compile time, but hey, we still do 
>> have a review process on top of this. The obvious violations like 
>> "TestThisFeature" and "MySuperTests" would be evaluated as violations which 
>> I would argue happens the most often.
>> Please keep in mind that we have checkstyle only in 4.1 and trunk. So, while 
>> we would fix names of classes in all branches we support so they are picked 
>> up by CI, checkstyle for this would be introduced in 4.1 and trunk only.
>> (1)
>> (2)
>> (3)
>> (4)
>> --
>> +---------------------------------------------------------------+
>> | Derek Chen-Becker                                             |
>> | GPG Key available at and       |
>> | |
>> | Fngrprnt: EB8A 6480 F0A3 C8EB C1E7  7F42 AFC5 AFEE 96E4 6ACC  |
>> +---------------------------------------------------------------+
>> --
>> +---------------------------------------------------------------+
>> | Derek Chen-Becker                                             |
>> | GPG Key available at and       |
>> | |
>> | Fngrprnt: EB8A 6480 F0A3 C8EB C1E7  7F42 AFC5 AFEE 96E4 6ACC  |
>> +---------------------------------------------------------------+
>> --
>> +---------------------------------------------------------------+
>> | Derek Chen-Becker                                             |
>> | GPG Key available at and       |
>> | |
>> | Fngrprnt: EB8A 6480 F0A3 C8EB C1E7  7F42 AFC5 AFEE 96E4 6ACC  |
>> +---------------------------------------------------------------+

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