On Thu, Nov 17, 2022 at 12:47 PM J. D. Jordan <jeremiah.jor...@gmail.com>

> -1 on providing a bunch of choices and forcing users to pick one. We
> should have a default and it should be “good enough” for most people. The
> people who want to dig in and try other gc settings can still do it, and we
> could provide them some profiles to start from, but there needs to be a
> default.  We need to be asking new operators less questions on install, not
> more.
> Re:experience with Shenandoah under high load, I have in the past seen the
> exact same thing for both Shenandoah and ZGC. Both of them have issues at
> high loads while performing great at moderate loads. I have not seen G1
> ever have such issues. So I would not be fine with a switch to Shenandoah
> or ZGC as the default without extensive testing on current JVM versions
> that have hopefully improved the behavior under load

I have personally reverted hundreds of machines off of G1 with 12G heaps on
jdk8, where (intelligently tuned) CMS with the same workload/heap size was

It was many years ago, and G1 has changed a lot, but the "zero problems
with G1" is AT LEAST 1 problem with G1, by someone who knew how both
Cassandra and the JVM works.

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