Thank you Maxim!

I also agree with 1 and 2. Also, thank you for considering documentation.
The datastax docs page mentioned here is not maintained by the project, the
other one can get some love. I guess if we are adding description column,
we can automate the way we populate that page. But I think this is
something for a separate ticket for docs mgmt.

On Tue, 13 Jun 2023 at 15:05, Mick Semb Wever <> wrote:

> > I want also to clarify and discuss with you some points related to the
> > SystemPropertiesTable virtual table.
> >
> > 1. Hide non-production environment properties in the SystemProperties
> > virtual table.
> >
> > As you may know, the result of the query on the virtual table
> > currently includes the environment properties related to tests as well
> > (used internally for our testing purposes) ~ 42 out of 290. This seems
> > a bit redundant for production use and floods the query output with
> > the things you don't need to think about. I think we can add a new
> > property (false by default)
> > properties to hide these test-related properties for production
> > environments while still using them for our test runs and build
> > scripts. Hiding test properties is not a regression in this case. Any
> > thoughts?
> >
> >
> > 2. The absence of a description of the system properties.
> >
> > I have found that there is no good description of the system
> > properties used to configure production environments. Is there any
> > documentation for this case? Do we need to keep these pages up to
> > date?
> It's a yes to both (1) and (2) from me.
> Appreciate it Maxim.  Also that CASSANDRA-18587 is taking into account
> compatibility.

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