> I just find it ridiculous we can not change "someProperty: 10" to "Some 
> Property: 10" and there is so much red tape about that.
Well, we're talking about programmatic parsing here. This feels like 
complaining about a compiler that won't let you build if you're missing a ;

We *can* change it, but that doesn't mean the aggregate cost/benefit across our 
entire ecosystem is worth it. The value of correcting a typo is pretty small, 
and the cost for everyone downstream is not. This is why we should spellcheck 
things in API's before we release them. :)

On Wed, Jul 12, 2023, at 2:45 PM, Miklosovic, Stefan wrote:
> Eric,
> I appreciate your feedback on this, especially more background about where 
> you are comming from in the second paragraph.
> I think we are on the same page afterall. I definitely understand that people 
> are depending on this output and we need to be careful. That is why I propose 
> to change it only each major. What I feel is that everybody's usage / 
> expectations is little bit different and outputs of the commands are very 
> diverse and it is hard to balance this so everybody is happy.
> I am trying to come up with a solution which would not change the most 
> important commands unnecessarily while also having some free room to tweak 
> the existing commands where we see it appropriate. I just find it ridiculous 
> we can not change "someProperty: 10" to "Some Property: 10" and there is so 
> much red tape about that.
> If I had to summarize this whole discussion, the best conclustion I can think 
> of is to not change what is used the most (this would probably need to be 
> defined more explicitly) and if we have to change something else we better 
> document that extensively and provide json/yaml for people to be able to 
> divorce from the parsing of human-readable format (which probably all agree 
> should not happen in the first place).
> What I am afraid of is that in order to satisfy these conditions, if, for 
> example, we just want to fix a typo or the format of a key of some value, the 
> we would need to deliver JSON/YAML format as well if there is not any yet and 
> that would mean that the change of such triviality would require way more 
> work in terms of the implementation of JSON/YAML format output. Some commands 
> are quite sophisticated and I do not want to be blocked to change a field in 
> human-readable out because providing corresponding JSON/YAML format would be 
> gigantic portion of the work itself.
> From what I see you guys want to condition any change by offering json/yaml 
> as well and I dont know if that is just not too much.
> ________________________________________
> From: Eric Evans <eev...@wikimedia.org>
> Sent: Wednesday, July 12, 2023 19:48
> To: dev@cassandra.apache.org
> Subject: Re: Changing the output of tooling between majors
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> On Wed, Jul 12, 2023 at 1:54 AM Miklosovic, Stefan 
> <stefan.mikloso...@netapp.com<mailto:stefan.mikloso...@netapp.com>> wrote:
> I agree with Jackson that having a different output format (JSON/YAML) in 
> order to be able to change the default output resolves nothing in practice.
> As Jackson said, "operators who maintain these scripts aren’t going to 
> re-write them just because a better way of doing them is newly available, 
> usually they’re too busy with other work and will keep using those old 
> scripts until they stop working".
> This is true. If this approach is adopted, what will happen in practice is 
> that we change the output and we provide a different format and then a user 
> detects this change because his scripts changed. As he has existing solution 
> in place which parses the text from human-readable output, he will try to fix 
> that, he will not suddenly convert all scripting he has to parsing JSON just 
> because we added it. Starting with JSON parsing might be done if he has no 
> scripting in place yet but then we would not cover already existing 
> deployments.
> I think this is quite an extreme conclusion to draw.  If tooling had stable, 
> structured output formats, and if we documented an expectation that 
> human-readable console output was unstable, then presumably it would be safe 
> to assume that any new scripters would avail themselves of the stable 
> formats, or expect breakage later.  I think it's also fair to assume that at 
> least some people would spend the time to convert their scripts, particularly 
> if forced to revisit them (for example, after a breaking change to console 
> output).  As someone who manages several large-scale mission-critical 
> Cassandra clusters under constrained resources, this is how I would approach 
> it.
> TL;DR Don't let perfect by the enemy of 
> good<https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Perfect_is_the_enemy_of_good>
> [ ... ]
> For that reason, what we could agree on is that we would never change the 
> output for "tier 1" commands and if we ever changed something, it would be 
> STRICT ADDITIONS only. In other words, everything it printed, it would 
> continue to print that for ever. Only new lines could be introduced. We need 
> to do this because Cassandra is evolving over time and we need to keep the 
> output aligned as new functionality appears. But the output would be backward 
> compatible. Plus, we are talking about majors only.
> The only reason we would ever changed the output on "tier 1" commands, if is 
> not an addition, is the fix of the typo in the existing output. This would 
> again happened only in majors.
> All other output for all other commands might be changed but their output 
> will not need to be strictly additive. This would again happen only between 
> majors.
> What is you opinion about this?
> To be clear about where I'm coming from: I'm not arguing against you or 
> anyone else making changes like these (in major versions, or otherwise).  If 
> —for example— we had console output that was incorrect, incomplete, or 
> obviously misleading, I'd absolutely want to see that fixed, script breakage 
> be damned.  All I want is for folks to recognize the problems this sort of 
> thing can create, and show a bit of empathy before submitting a change.  For 
> operators on the receiving end, it can be really frustrating, especially when 
> there is no normative change (i.e. it's in service of aesthetics).
> --
> Eric Evans<mailto:eev...@wikimedia.org>
> Staff SRE, Data Persistence
> Wikimedia Foundation

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