Yes, you are right. I know the providers have their preference and we are 
installing Corretto as the first one.

So if a service is not there it will just search where it is next. I completely 
forgot this aspect of it ... Folks from Corretto forgot to mention this 
behavior as well, interesting. It is not as we are going to use this _as the 
only provider_.

In that case I think we can set it as default.

We just need to be cautious to not use e.g Cipher.getInstance("algorithm", 
"provider") - provider being "AmazonCorrettoCryptoProvider" or anything like 
that. In other words, as long as we are not specifying a concrete provider to 
get an instance from, we should be safe. I looked over the codebase and we are 
not using it anywhere.

From: J. D. Jordan <>
Sent: Wednesday, July 26, 2023 14:32
Subject: Re: [DISCUSS] Using ACCP or tc-native by default

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I thought the crypto providers were supposed to “ask the next one down the 
line” if something is not supported?  Have you tried some unsupported thing and 
seen it break?  My understanding of the providers being an ordered list was 
that isn’t supposed to happen.


On Jul 26, 2023, at 3:23 AM, Mick Semb Wever <> wrote:

That means that if somebody is on 4.0 and they upgrade to 5.0, if they use some 
ciphers / protocols / algorithms which are not in Corretto, it might break 
their upgrade.

If there's any risk of breaking upgrades we have to go with (2).  We support a 
variation of JCE configurations, and I don't see we have the test coverage in 
place to de-risk it other than going with (2).

Once the yaml configuration is in place we can then change the default in the 
next major version 6.0.

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