It sounds like some of the concerns have shifted then. I would like to
better understand the YAML one. Like Jeremiah said it may be a better topic
for the ticket. Would appreciate an example exception or error people are
concerned about.

If the issue is the “fail fast” on start I’m sure we can find a solution
everyone accepts and move forward.

If we are agreed “on by default” is the way to go that’s awesome!


On Wed, Jul 26, 2023 at 12:59 Jeremiah Jordan <>

> I had a discussion with Mick on slack.  His concern is not with enabling
> ACCP.  His concern is around the testing of the new C* yaml config code
> which is included in the patch that is used to decide if ACCP should be
> enabled or not, and if startup should fail if it can’t be enabled.
> I agree.  We should make sure that the new C* yaml config code is solid
> before we commit this patch, especially when it has the possibility of
> cause node startup to fail on purpose.  But that should be a discussion for
> the ticket I think, not for this thread.
> So I think we are back to the original question.  Should ACCP be used by
> default in trunk.  From what I have seen I do not see anyone who is against
> that?
> -Jeremiah
> On Jul 26, 2023 at 2:53:02 PM, Jordan West <> wrote:
>> +1 Scott. And agreed all involved are looking out for the best interests
>> of C* users. And I appreciate those with concerns contributing to
>> addressing them.
>> I’m all for making upgrades smooth bc I do them so often. A huge portion
>> of our 4.1 qualification is “will it break on upgrade”? Because of that I’m
>> confident in this patch and concerned about many other areas. I think it’s
>> commedable to want to reach a point where teams have the trust in the
>> community to have done that for them but that starts w better test coverage
>> and concrete evidence.
>> Given all that, I think we should move forward w Ayushi’s proposal to
>> make it on by default.
>> Jordan
>> On Wed, Jul 26, 2023 at 12:14 C. Scott Andreas <>
>> wrote:
>>> I think these concerns are well-intended, but they feel rooted in
>>> uncertainty rather than in factual examples of areas where risk is present.
>>> I would appreciate elaboration on the specific areas of risk that folks
>>> imagine.
>>> I would encourage those who express skepticism to try the patch, and I
>>> endorse Ayushi's proposal to enable it by default.
>>> – Scott
>>> On Jul 26, 2023, at 12:03 PM, "Miklosovic, Stefan" <
>>>> wrote:
>>> We can make it opt-in, wait one major to see what bugs pop up and we
>>> might do that opt-out eventually. We do not need to hurry up with this. I
>>> understand everybody's expectations and excitement but it really boils down
>>> to one line change in yaml. People who are so much after the performance
>>> will be definitely aware of this knob to turn on to squeeze even more perf
>>> ...
>>> I look around dtests Jeremiah mentioned but I would just moved on and
>>> make it opt-in if we are not 100% persuaded about it _yet_.
>>> ________________________________________
>>> From: Mick Semb Wever <>
>>> Sent: Wednesday, July 26, 2023 20:48
>>> To:
>>> Subject: Re: [DISCUSS] Using ACCP or tc-native by default
>>> NetApp Security WARNING: This is an external email. Do not click links
>>> or open attachments unless you recognize the sender and know the content is
>>> safe.
>>> What comes to mind is how we brought down people clusters and made
>>> sstables unreadable with the introduction of the chunk_length configuration
>>> in 1.0. It wasn't about how tested the compression libraries were, but
>>> about the new configuration itself. Introducing silent defaults has more
>>> surface area for bugs than introducing explicit defaults that only apply to
>>> new clusters and are so opt-in for existing clusters.
>>> On Wed, 26 Jul 2023 at 20:13, J. D. Jordan <
>>> <>> wrote:
>>> Enabling ssl for the upgrade dtests would cover this use case. If those
>>> don’t currently exist I see no reason it won’t work so I would be fine for
>>> someone to figure it out post merge if there is a concern. What JCE
>>> provider you use should have no upgrade concerns.
>>> -Jeremiah
>>> On Jul 26, 2023, at 1:07 PM, Miklosovic, Stefan <
>>> wrote:
>>> Am I understanding it correctly that tests you are talking about are
>>> only required in case we make ACCP to be default provider?
>>> I can live with not making it default and still deliver it if tests are
>>> not required. I do not think that these kind of tests were required couple
>>> mails ago when opt-in was on the table.
>>> While I tend to agree with people here who seem to consider testing this
>>> scenario to be unnecessary exercise, I am afraid that I will not be able to
>>> deliver that as testing something like this is quite complicated matter.
>>> There is a lot of aspects which could be tested I can not even enumerate
>>> right now ... so I try to meet you somewhere in the middle.
>>> ________________________________________
>>> From: Mick Semb Wever <<>>
>>> Sent: Wednesday, July 26, 2023 17:34
>>> To:<>
>>> Subject: Re: [DISCUSS] Using ACCP or tc-native by default
>>> NetApp Security WARNING: This is an external email. Do not click links
>>> or open attachments unless you recognize the sender and know the content is
>>> safe.
>>> Can you say more about the shape of your concern?
>>> Integration testing where some nodes are running JCE and others accp,
>>> and various configurations that are and are not accp compatible/native.
>>> I'm not referring to (re-) unit testing accp or jce themselves, or
>>> matrix testing over them, but our commitment to always-on upgrades against
>>> all possible configurations that integrate. We've history with config
>>> changes breaking upgrades, for as simple as they are.

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