Surely it needs to be shared with the foundation and the PMC so we can verify? Or at least have ASF legal confirm they have received and are satisfied with the tarball? It certainly can’t be kept private to DS, AFAICT.

Of course it shouldn’t be shared publicly but not sure how PMC can fulfil its verification function here without it.

On 5 Oct 2023, at 10:23, Mick Semb Wever <> wrote:


On Tue, 3 Oct 2023 at 13:25, Josh McKenzie <> wrote:
I see now this will likely be instead apache/cassandra-java-driver
I was wondering about that. apache/java-driver seemed pretty broad. :)

From the linked page:
Check that all active committers have a signed CLA on record. TODO – attach list
I've been part of these discussions and work so am familiar with the status of it (as well as guidance and clearance from the foundation re: folks we couldn't reach) - but might be worthwhile to link to the sheet or perhaps instead provide a summary of the 49 java contributors, their CLA signing status, attempts to reach out, etc for other PMC members that weren't actively involved back when we were working through it.

We have a spreadsheet with this information, and the tarball of all the signed CLAs.
The tarball we should keep private to DS, but know that we have it for governance's sake.

I've attached the spreadsheet to the CEP confluence page.

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