To double check the reasoning behind this proposal:

1) is 5.1 going to contain only TCM / Accord when it comes to new features? In 
other words, 5.1, except these two, will only ever contain bugfixes from older 
branches (merging them up) or fixes for TCM / Accord itself (which will be 
eventually merged to trunk)? If that is all true, will we create 6.0 in trunk 
or trunk will be 5.2?

I think it is a nice-to-have. 5.1.0 will be just vanilla TCM / Accord on top of 

2) Do we drop the support of 3.0 and 3.11 after 5.0.0 is out or after 5.1.0 is?

3) When I understand our current deprecation policy correctly, everything which 
is deprecated in 3.11 included and older is eligible to be removed in 5.x. If 
we manage to remove some deprecations in 5.0.0 and there are some leftovers in 
5.1, am I still OK to remove the rest in 5.1.x or do I need to wait until 6.0 
is made? (I think the answer is "yes", I can remove 3.x stuff in whatever 5.x).


From: Mick Semb Wever <>
Sent: Monday, October 23, 2023 13:51
To: dev
Subject: Push TCM (CEP-21) and Accord (CEP-15) to 5.1 (and cut an immediate 

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The TCM work (CEP-21) is in its review stage but being well past our cut-off 
date¹ for merging, and now jeopardising 5.0 GA efforts, I would like to propose 
the following.

We merge TCM and Accord only to trunk.  Then branch cassandra-5.1 and cut an 
immediate 5.1-alpha1 release.

I see this as a win-win scenario for us, considering our current situation.  
(Though it is unfortunate that Accord is included in this scenario because we 
agreed it to be based upon TCM.)

This will mean…
 - We get to focus on getting 5.0 to beta and GA, which already has a ton of 
features users want.
 - We get an alpha release with TCM and Accord into users hands quickly for 
broader testing and feedback.
 - We isolate GA efforts on TCM and Accord – giving oss and downstream 
engineers time and patience reviewing and testing.  TCM will be the biggest 
patch ever to land in C*.
 - Give users a choice for a more incremental upgrade approach, given just how 
many new features we're putting on them in one year.
 - 5.1 w/ TCM and Accord will maintain its upgrade compatibility with all 4.x 
versions, just as if it had landed in 5.0.

The risks/costs this introduces are
 - If we cannot stabilise TCM and/or Accord on the cassandra-5.1 branch, and at 
some point decide to undo this work, while we can throw away the cassandra-5.1 
branch we would need to do a bit of work reverting the changes in trunk.  This 
is a _very_ edge case, as confidence levels on the design and implementation of 
both are already tested and high.
 - We will have to maintain an additional branch.  I propose that we treat the 
5.1 branch in the same maintenance window as 5.0 (like we have with 3.0 and 
3.11).  This also adds the merge path overhead.
 - Reviewing of TCM and Accord will continue to happen post-merge.  This is not 
our normal practice, but this work will have already received its two +1s from 
committers, and such ongoing review effort is akin to GA stabilisation work on 
release branches.

I see no other ok solution in front of us that gets us at least both the 5.0 
beta and TCM+Accord alpha releases this year.  Keeping in mind users demand to 
start experimenting with these features, and our Cassandra Summit in December.


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