> If I had to pick a month of the year to release software used by large
> enterprises, it probably would be something like March instead of December.
> I have no good research to back that up, of course...

Can confirm. Many large enterprises (especially retailers) have been in
"holiday code freeze" for a few weeks already. Infrastructure teams will be
freezing all changes shortly (they get a few "buffer" weeks to scale-out
for holiday traffic). Everything is basically locked-down until the week
after New Years.

Once infra teams can push changes again, they'll likely have a backlog of
findings from their security team, indicating a list of things that need to
be patched/updated across all of their server instances. At Target, we
usually had to spend all of January playing "catch-up" to make the security
scans happy again.

Maybe by mid-February, they'll be ready to entertain doing a database
update. So the February/March timeframe is a good choice.


On Mon, Oct 23, 2023 at 1:12 PM Josh McKenzie <jmcken...@apache.org> wrote:

> If I had to pick a month of the year to release software used by large
> enterprises, it probably would be something like March instead of December.
> That's... a good point. If we end up on a cadence of major's in December
> (since we slipped to then for 4.1 and inherit that from that calendar year
> "pressure") we're setting ourselves up to release right in the largest
> consistent change-freeze window I know of for most users.
> It will be another 2.2 release.
> Let me live on with the stories I tell myself about the hordes of Windows
> users that appreciated Windows support before the Storage Engine rewrite,
> thank you very much. :D
> On Mon, Oct 23, 2023, at 1:57 PM, Caleb Rackliffe wrote:
> ...or like the end of January. Either way, feel free to ignore the "aside"
> :)
> On Mon, Oct 23, 2023 at 12:53 PM Caleb Rackliffe <calebrackli...@gmail.com>
> wrote:
> Kind of in the same place as Benedict/Aleksey.
> If we release a 5.1 in, let's say...March of next year, the number of 5.0
> users is going to be very minimal. Nobody is going to upgrade anything
> important from now through the first half of January anyway, right? They're
> going to be making sure their existing clusters aren't exploding.
> (We still want TCM/Accord to be available to people to test by Summit, but
> that feels unrelated to whether we cut a 5.1 branch...)
> Aside: If I had to pick a month of the year to release software used by
> large enterprises, it probably would be something like March instead of
> December. I have no good research to back that up, of course...
> On Mon, Oct 23, 2023 at 12:19 PM Benedict <bened...@apache.org> wrote:
> To be clear, I’m not making an argument either way about the path forwards
> we should take, just concurring about a likely downside of this proposal. I
> don’t have a strong opinion about how we should proceed.
> On 23 Oct 2023, at 18:16, Benedict <bened...@apache.org> wrote:
> I agree. If we go this route we should essentially announce an immediate
> 5.1 alpha at the same time as 5.0 GA, and I can’t see almost anybody
> rolling out 5.0 with 5.1 so close on its heels.
> On 23 Oct 2023, at 18:11, Aleksey Yeshchenko <alek...@apple.com> wrote:
> I’m not so sure that many folks will choose to go 4.0->5.0->5.1 path
> instead of just waiting longer for TCM+Accord to be in, and go 4.0->5.1 in
> one hop.
> Nobody likes going through these upgrades. So I personally expect 5.0 to
> be a largely ghost release if we go this route, adopted by few, just a
> permanent burden on the merge path to trunk.
> Not to say that there isn’t valuable stuff in 5.0 without TCM and Accord -
> there most certainly is - but with the expectation that 5.1 will follow up
> reasonably shortly after with all that *and* two highly anticipated
> features on top, I just don’t see the point. It will be another 2.2 release.
> On 23 Oct 2023, at 17:43, Josh McKenzie <jmcken...@apache.org> wrote:
> We discussed that at length in various other mailing threads Jeff - kind
> of settled on "we're committing to cutting a major (semver MAJOR or MINOR)
> every 12 months but want to remain flexible for exceptions when
> appropriate".
> And then we discussed our timeline for 5.0 this year and settled on the
> "let's try and get it out this calendar year so it's 12 months after 4.1,
> but we'll grandfather in TCM and Accord past freeze date if they can make
> it by October".
> So that's the history for how we landed here.
> 2) Do we drop the support of 3.0 and 3.11 after 5.0.0 is out or after
> 5.1.0 is?
> This is my understanding, yes. Deprecation and support drop is predicated
> on the 5.0 release, not any specific features or anything.
> On Mon, Oct 23, 2023, at 12:29 PM, Jeff Jirsa wrote:
> On Mon, Oct 23, 2023 at 4:52 AM Mick Semb Wever <m...@apache.org> wrote:
> The TCM work (CEP-21) is in its review stage but being well past our
> cut-off date¹ for merging, and now jeopardising 5.0 GA efforts, I would
> like to propose the following.
> I think this presumes that 5.0 GA is date driven instead of feature driven.
> I'm sure there's a conversation elsewhere, but why isn't this date movable?

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