I think we should probably figure out how much value it actually provides
by getting some benchmarks around a few use cases along with some
profiling.  tlp-stress has a --rowcache flag that I added a while back to
be able to do this exact test.  I was looking for a use case to profile and
write up so this is actually kind of perfect for me.  I can take a look in
January when I'm back from the holidays.


On Thu, Dec 14, 2023 at 5:44 PM Mick Semb Wever <m...@apache.org> wrote:

> I would avoid taking away a feature even if it works in narrow set of
>> use-cases. I would instead suggest -
>> 1. Leave it disabled by default.
>> 2. Detect when Row Cache has a low hit rate and warn the operator to turn
>> it off. Cassandra should ideally detect this and do it automatically.
>> 3. Move to Caffeine instead of OHC.
>> I would suggest having this as the middle ground.
> Yes, I'm ok with this. (2) can also be a guardrail: soft value when to
> warn, hard value when to disable.

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