Thanks for feedback.

Password encoding is a more distant thing to happen, for start it can be simply
moved to runtime out of the modeler.
But looking at the recent discussion [1] I think we need to redesign this part.

As for dbpc2,if it is a requirement it can be replaced by one line of
meaningful code
in runtime (it is what our code essentially do) :


If we keep dbcp2, then for consistency we should provide wrappers
for all other popular connection pools (and/or custom datasource providers).
And that will lead to great support effort, that we can't handle
effectively, I think.

For me it seems better to document how to create custom data source
and give some examples, instead of trying to guess what will be needed by users.


On Fri, Feb 2, 2018 at 4:09 PM, Michael Gentry <> wrote:
> On Fri, Feb 2, 2018 at 2:53 AM, Nikita Timofeev <>
> wrote:
>> - cayenne-dbcp2 support;
>> Does anyone still using this?
>> - password encoding settings in the Modeler
>> This one is more about redesigning this feature, then just deprecation.
>> Think this should be discussed s
>> Just wanted to mention it here also.
>  I know of at least one project (and think there are others) that is using
> the password encoding feature.  They have a web application and batch/cron
> jobs that use the same Cayenne Model/JAR with the encrypted password stored
> externally to make it easier to support their security requirements for
> password rotation (just have to update one file).  They are definitely
> using DBCPDataSourceFactory, although not yet on Cayenne 4.  How would
> cayenne-dbcp2
> going away impact them in the future?
> Thanks,
> mrg

Best regards,
Nikita Timofeev

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