One advantage of an html/js frontend would be to offer a service on our website into which a user could paste their DDL as SQL, and get back:

1. a Cayenne map xml

2. a visual representation of their schema [1]

3. an editor which allows them to make changes

4. The ability to export an updated DDL

5. Some sort of sharing link so they can share and discuss with co-workers

Here's a company I just found doing something similar.

The main advantage of this approach is to give Cayenne greater exposure. People come for the tool and walk away with a whole ORM.

I'm ccing this to the dev@ list where it makes more sense.


[1] Like this

On 3/10/19 3:20am, Andrus Adamchik wrote:
But thanks for all the replies. That's sort of where I was going with this as 

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