Wrt regular maintenance work, I think we can discuss the following for next 
year releases (4.20/4.21):

  *   Support python 3.10, including Marvin, VR scripts (**that's still on 
python2 that we must upgrade) and smoketests and other misc scripts
  *   Java 17 or 21 LTS (we'll need to look at which are available in the 
support distros)
  *   New Debian 12 based systemvmtemplate (affects cpvm, ssvm wrt jre and VR 
wrt python3; possibly CKS wrt any changes/new pkgs or deprecation TBD)
  *   Handle EOL support: KVM/EL7, XS7.1, Vmware 6.7... etc. to review
  *   Revisit default test matrix and documentation around tested/supported 
distros and hypervisor
  *   New distros support to review: Ubuntu 24.04, Debian 12


From: Daan Hoogland <daan.hoogl...@gmail.com>
Sent: Tuesday, December 5, 2023 21:48
To: dev <dev@cloudstack.apache.org>
Subject: 4.20 plans


Other than we all have great new plans for integrations and other
features for 4.20 and we have about 300 issues to solve, There are
some platform issues that need addressing. So far I can think of
- the outstanding logging PR
- java 11 is out of support and we'll need to support a higher version

I think we must address these as soon as we have a release.
Are there any other issues to address?



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