On Nov 23, 2013, at 5:01 AM, Wido den Hollander <w...@widodh.nl> wrote:

> Hi,
> I discussed this during CCCEU13 with David, Chip and Hugo and I promised I 
> put it on the ml.
> My idea is to come up with a reporting tool which users can run daily which 
> feeds us back information about how they are using CloudStack:
> * Hypervisors
> * Zone sizes
> * Cluster sizes
> * Primary Storage sizes and types
> * Same for Secondary Storage
> * Number of management servers
> * Version
> This would ofcourse be anonimized where we would send one file with JSON data 
> back to our servers where we can proccess it to do statistics.
> The tool will obviously be open source and participating in this will be 
> opt-in only.
> We currently don't know what's running out there, so that would be great to 
> know.
> Some questions remain:
> * Who is going to maintain the data?
> * Who has access to the data?
> * How long do we keep it?
> * Do we do logging of IPs sending the data to us?
> I certainly do not want to spy on our users, so that's why it's opt-in and 
> the tool should be part of the main repo, but I think that for us as a 
> project it's very useful to know what our users are doing with CloudStack.
> Comments?


> Wido

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