Hi Ian,

Super thanks!

I’m executing the tests again to see if there is any hiccup with the 
environment, although I did that twice yesterday.

In case you find some strangeness in the pull request, please, do not hesitate 
to contact me.


From: Ian Duffy [mailto:i...@ianduffy.ie]
Sent: woensdag 10 september 2014 9:05
To: CloudStack Dev
Cc: int-toolkit; int-cloud
Subject: Re: [TRAVIS] - failing for pull request #18

Hi Wilder,

The travis stuff is experimental.

I will take a look at this for you and see if its anything to be concerned 



On 10 September 2014 07:00, Wilder Rodrigues 
<wrodrig...@schubergphilis.com<mailto:wrodrig...@schubergphilis.com>> wrote:
Hi guys,

Last night I sent a pull request, after rebasing and fixing some conflicts in 
VirtualNetworkApplianceManagerImpl class. Unfortunately, the 3 builds are not 
okay on Travis. For the first job, I got the following:

Still running (30 of 30): ./tools/travis/before_script.sh

Timeout (30 minutes) reached. Terminating "./tools/travis/before_script.sh"

The command "travis_wait 30 ./tools/travis/before_script.sh" failed and exited 
with 1 during .

The second job is a bit stranger than that because all the tests that I 
actually executed on our environment, and passed, just failed on that job:


Concerning the 3rd job, same story: tests that have passed are now failing:


Stil on the 3rd job I got problems with test_volumes and test_templates. The 
test_vm_life_cycle is still failing for everybody.

My test environment is the following:

·         XenServer (host) running in our VMWare zone (which is managed by 

o   MySQL

o   Secondary Storage

o   Local Primary Storage

·         Management Server

o   Debian 7 VM (inside Virtual Box)

o   Pre/Post routing to allow my Debian to get connected to the host via its 
public IPs

o   SSH reverse tunnel to allow communication between the host and the 
management server (for the Agent)

·         Tests

o   I create a separate project with a bunch of ACS Marving tests

§  Changed storage type in my tests from "shared" to "local"

§  Changed DataCenter configuration

·         IP ranges

§  Changed VPCs CIDRs and Network Gatways

·         To cope with my IP ranges

·         All the tests below are passing:

o   test_01_create_account

o   test_01_add_vm_to_subdomain

o   test_DeleteDomain

o   test_forceDeleteDomain

o   test_updateAdminDetails

o   test_updateDomainAdminDetails

o   test_updateUserDetails

o   test_LoginApiDomain

o   test_LoginApiUuidResponse

o   test_privategw_acl

o   test_01_reset_vm_on_reboot

o   test_03_restart_network_cleanup

o   test_05_router_basic

o   test_06_router_advanced

o   test_07_stop_router

o   test_08_start_router

o   test_09_reboot_router

o   test_01_create_service_offering

o   test_02_edit_service_offering

o   test_03_delete_service_offering

o   test_01_start_stop_router_after_addition_of_one_guest_network

o   test_02_reboot_router_after_addition_of_one_guest_network

o   test_04_chg_srv_off_router_after_addition_of_one_guest_network

o   test_05_destroy_router_after_addition_of_one_guest_network

o   test_01_stop_start_router_after_creating_vpc

o   test_02_reboot_router_after_creating_vpc

o   test_04_change_service_offerring_vpc

o   test_05_destroy_router_after_creating_vpc

o   test_vpc_remote_access_vpn

o   test_vpc_site2site_vpn

Unfortunately, Travis does not give much help about what is going on, it only 
says "exception". Is there anyone out there that could give some help?

The pull request is: VPC and Virtual Network Managers refactor. Part of the VPC 
Redundant Router work #18

Thanks in advance.


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