
Agreed, I know very well how it is to get "stuck" with a certain version and 
your (and everyone's) need for backports.
Your decision re 4.3 seems to make sense, it looks in good (blue?) shape.

4.5 is starting to look very interesting.

Sent from the Delta quadrant using Borg technology!


----- Original Message -----
> From: "Rohit Yadav" <>
> To:
> Cc:
> Sent: Tuesday, 25 November, 2014 13:40:23
> Subject: Re: [DISCUSS] LTS Releases

> Hi Wido and Lucian,
> There are many ways to get to a stable product including fixing coverity 
> issues,
> unit/integration tests etc. but one of those ways is to simply support 
> existing
> releases with bugfix releases because most CloudStack users just don’t care
> about git workflows, or coverity or unit/integration tests, they simply expect
> it to work and if it has bugs they expect them to be fixed.
> We don’t have production usage data and feedback from users to conclude that
> 4.4.x releases are stable enough. Some of them (include our customers) have
> tried to upgrade their test prod. environments from 4.3.x to 4.4.x and have
> failed. So we decided to put backporting/testing efforts on 4.3 which we have
> confidence that it just works until a stable 4.5.x on which we have a certain
> confidence is released.
> Just to put out a note here - many smart and active contributors/users may 
> know
> their way around CloudStack such as Wido/PCExtreme and Lucian, but many
> large/serious CloudStack users are slow to change and upgrading every 3-4
> months may not be an option for them. I know quite a few users who are
> operating large clouds and are still on ACS 4.2.x. This simply means they are
> not going to simply upgrade just because there is a new release with lots of
> new features. Therefore the idea of supporting those releases until we have a
> confidence of a new stable release.
> Note: This is not to say that 4.4.x is not stable, we’re simply saying we
> recommend 4.3.x because we have a confidence of its stability and we encourage
> serious CloudStack users to use it.
> The 4.4 branch does not contain many bugfixes which are in 4.3 and on
> master/4.5. I anticipate that 4.5.0 should be out in about 2 months time 
> around
> Jan/Feb 2015. With this anticipation and known confidence of 4.3.x in
> production at ShapeBlue we decided to support 4.3 branch until a stable 4.5.x
> branch is out.

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