On Wed, Jul 1, 2015 at 3:39 AM, sebgoa <run...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Jul 1, 2015, at 9:35 AM, Wilder Rodrigues <wrodrig...@schubergphilis.com> 
> wrote:
>> Nice!
>> I spent couple of hours this morning to review a few PRs.
>> But we still have too many of them and not many people reviewing/testing, 
>> which makes the process a bit slow.
> I expect this week to get slow. It's July 4th week end in the US.
> And it's a new process.
> IMHO there is no problem in being a little slow and having a back log of PRs 
> as long as it make releasing faster.
> And it will motivate everyone to review.

Having seen this work in a few other communities, it will create a
currency out of reviews. (and that's a good thing)
You'll review someones PR in exchange for their review. People will
come to the list asking for their review to get some attention.
We'll end up having a weekly(?) PR-athon, etc.


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