Hi, All,

This is part of our effort to improve user experience of Cloudstack API
reference pages.

Majority of the CloudStack API reference pages do not adequately describe
the usage of the parameters associated with them. Many of these parameters
contain only a single line description, which does not really enhance the
user's experience with these APIs.

As part of this content improvement effort, I need to improve the
description, add information on the format, and an example on how to use
the parameter. Please find attached the improved content for the
"migrateto" parameter in the 'migrateVirtualMachineWithVolume' API
reference page as an example.

I think I can take the description for the "migrateto" parameter as a base
and improve the descriptions of the parameters in the CloudStack API
reference pages. As an initial step, I have identified the following 20 API
functions and I am planning to improve the description of the parameters
available in their reference pages:

* listAccounts
* listCapacity
* listLoadBalancerRules
* listNetworks
* listPublicIpAddresses
* listSnapshots
* listTemplates
* listVirtualMachines
* listVolumes
* listZones
* stopVirtualMachine
* associateIPAddress
* attachVolume
* createSnapshot
* startVirtualMachine
* deployVirtualMachine
* migrateVirtualMachineWithVolume
* login
* logout
* updateVirtualMachine

Could you please provide your thoughts on this suggestion? Also, please let
me know how you can help/contribute in this effort.


Attachment: migrateto.docx
Description: MS-Word 2007 document

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