The advanced network installation without SG seems works, but the final screen of setup wizard stills blank until the activation zone pop-up. A lot of error in the browser console. I need make more test (clean my browser cache before setup)....

See screenshot:

On 29/09/2015 22:40, Milamber wrote:

If I change my ansible script to install the tomcat6 package before cloudstack-management, that's works.

Tomorrow I will test a full ACS advanced network installation.

root@cs-mgr1:~# service cloudstack-management status
 * CloudStack-specific Tomcat servlet engine is running with pid 5798
root@cs-mgr1:~# dpkg -l|grep cloudstack
ii cloudstack-common 4.6.0-SNAPSHOT all A common package which contains files which are shared by several CloudStack packages ii cloudstack-management 4.6.0-SNAPSHOT all CloudStack server library
root@cs-mgr1:~# dpkg -l|grep tomcat
ii libtomcat6-java 6.0.39-1 all Servlet and JSP engine -- core libraries ii tomcat6 6.0.39-1 all Servlet and JSP engine ii tomcat6-common 6.0.39-1 all Servlet and JSP engine -- common files

On 29/09/2015 22:07, Milamber wrote:

I have tested an installation of the CS 4.6.0 SNAPSHOT (today) on Ubuntu 14.04 LTS with latest update (installation with a ansible script)

The cloudstack-management don't works.

I don't known the root cause, but I suppose that is the (new?) dependency of Tomcat v7 (before ~1 month: tomcat6 was the tomcat dependency)

I need to made some other tests to confirm if the issue come from my ansible script or other things.

Some results commands (and visibly at least 1 bug):

root@cs-mgr1:/var/log/cloudstack/management# service cloudstack-management status
 * cloudstack-management is not installed

root@cs-mgr1:/var/log/cloudstack/management# dpkg -l|grep cloudstack
ii cloudstack-common 4.6.0-SNAPSHOT all A common package which contains files which are shared by several CloudStack packages ii cloudstack-management 4.6.0-SNAPSHOT all CloudStack server library

root@cs-mgr1:/var/log/cloudstack/management# dpkg -l|grep tomcat
ii libtomcat7-java 7.0.52-1ubuntu0.3 all Servlet and JSP engine -- core libraries
ii  tomcat7 7.0.52-1ubuntu0.3                all Servlet and JSP engine
ii tomcat7-common 7.0.52-1ubuntu0.3 all Servlet and JSP engine -- common files

On 29/09/2015 19:42, Sebastien Goasguen wrote:
Hi folks, let’s try to shed some lights on those tests errors.

First off, it appears some of those tests are not included in our Travis run…:( If anyone wants to check that list of tests and cross check with Travis, we could run them as well.

@miguel, looks like smoke/test_scale_vm is reporting errors. It seems you were the last one to touch that test. Could you try to run the tests on some cloudstack setup you have and report back to use your finding. From below you can see, the test seems to be failing on simulator/basic.

@boris, any chance you can run the tests listed under KVM/basic in your test environment ? I don’t know if you know how to use Marvin. You can check the Marvin scripts used in .travis.yml for a clue.

The NAT tests errors might be related to the “VPC” errors Wilder and Remi just solved, so we can see tomorrow what BVT says.

(pinging pdion and milamber in that email to see what they can do on spare cycles)

Thanks everyone, let’s knock those down.


On Sep 29, 2015, at 2:49 PM, Raja Pullela <> wrote:

Hopefully the format of this email stays as I compose ?

Bugs to be fixed for BVTs:
c. - Should be a blocker d. - Should be a blocker

BVT Passrate for 9/25:

*         Simulator Basic - 97.6%,  Failed tests 1

*         Simulator Adv - 100%

*         XS Basic - 97.1%, Failed tests 2

*         XS Adv - 94.3%, Failed tests 6

*         KVM Basic - 94.2%, Failed tests 4

*         KVM Adv - 92.6%, Failed tests 8

Test cases failed:

Simulator Basic

* integration.smoke.test_scale_vm.TestScaleVm.test_02_scale_vm_without_hypervisor_specifics (Failure: test case issue)

XS Basic

* integration.smoke.test_scale_vm.TestScaleVm.test_02_scale_vm_without_hypervisor_specifics (Failure: test case issue)

* integration.smoke.test_volumes.TestVolumes.test_02_attach_volume /Failure: SSH connection failed

XS Adv

* integration.smoke.test_loadbalance.TestLoadBalance.test_01_create_lb_rule_src_nat (Failure: SSH connection failed)

* integration.smoke.test_loadbalance.TestLoadBalance.test_02_create_lb_rule_non_nat (Failure: SSH connection failed)

* integration.smoke.test_loadbalance.TestLoadBalance.test_assign_and_removal_lb (Failure: SSH connection failed)

* integration.smoke.test_internal_lb.TestInternalLb.test_internallb (Failure: 'Failed to assign load balancer rule')

* integration.smoke.test_scale_vm.TestScaleVm.test_02_scale_vm_without_hypervisor_specifics (Failure: test case issue)

* <nose.suite.ContextSuite context=TestNiciraContoller>:setup (Failure: test setup issue)
KVM Basic

* integration.smoke.test_volumes.TestVolumes.test_02_attach_volume (Failure: SSH connection failed)

* integration.smoke.test_ssvm.TestSSVMs.test_07_reboot_ssvm (Failure: Timed out waiting for SSVM agent to be Up)

* integration.smoke.test_ssvm.TestSSVMs.test_08_reboot_cpvm (Failure: Timed out waiting for SSVM agent to be Up)

* integration.smoke.test_vm_life_cycle.TestVMLifeCycle.test_10_attachAndDetach_iso (Failure: SSH connection failed)


* integration.smoke.test_loadbalance.TestLoadBalance.test_01_create_lb_rule_src_nat (Failure: SSH connection failed)

* integration.smoke.test_loadbalance.TestLoadBalance.test_02_create_lb_rule_non_nat (Failure: SSH connection failed)

* integration.smoke.test_loadbalance.TestLoadBalance.test_assign_and_removal_lb (Failure: SSH connection failed)

* integration.smoke.test_internal_lb.TestInternalLb.test_internallb (Failure: 'Failed to assign load balancer rule')

* integration.smoke.test_snapshots.TestSnapshotRootDisk.test_01_snapshot_root_disk (Failure: 'Failed to create snapshot due to an internal error creating snapshot)

* <nose.suite.ContextSuite context=TestNiciraContoller>:setup (Failure: test setup issue)

* integration.smoke.test_ssvm.TestSSVMs.test_07_reboot_ssvm (Failure: Timed out waiting for SSVM agent to be Up)

* integration.smoke.test_ssvm.TestSSVMs.test_08_reboot_cpvm (Failure: Timed out waiting for SSVM agent to be Up)

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