​I totally agree Marcus, with one small addition. In our present scheme we
can mark any 4.x as LTS if we maintain the discipline ​of fixing any bug on
the oldest version known to contain the bug and merge the fix forward. some
LIMITATION OF WARRANTY  (tm) apply of course; if a fix requires some kind
of database change...

Basically our present release scheme was designed to address the concerns
you are describing.

On Thu, Jan 7, 2016 at 10:30 PM, Marcus <shadow...@gmail.com> wrote:

> A few things to note:
> 1. I repeated this until I felt bad about harping on it, but we were seeing
> new functionality slip into minors all the time. The idea that 4.4.x ->
> 4.4.y upgrade was safer than 4.4.x -> 4.5.0 (just made up versions as an
> example) is unfortunately wrong.
> 2. I agree that large production environments will probably only want to
> upgrade their cloud once every few months, at the most. Probably less, due
> to internal testing and qualification for each chosen major.  I understand
> the mindset someone might have when they're told that they need to jump six
> major releases and pull in dozens of new features to fix one or two bugs
> they have come across in their otherwise stable cloud. Suddenly they're
> thinking they need to do far more integration testing with their internal
> CloudStack consumers and their infrastructure.  Even if the releases are
> more stable, any major release is going to be treated as an unknown and
> require rigorous qualifications.  Due to #1, this point is largely moot,
> but if we were doing proper bugfix releases, or chose to go that direction,
> it might be something important to think about.
> In the end, it probably doesn't matter much either way for routine
> maintenance. If you were upgrading once every 6-12 months to keep up with
> the previous major cycle, you can still upgrade at that pace and the delta
> in changes between your chosen minors will be roughly what it was before,
> even if the minors aren't contiguous numbers. The place this breaks down is
> that while you can pick a release from any month and decide to use that as
> your next 6-12 month version, there are far fewer people running your
> version or focusing on it for bugfixes; you've been left behind once you've
> settled on running that version. So you either have to get with the program
> and figure out how to do rapid releases in your environment that is averse
> to change and full of red tape, or start maintaining your own release
> builds. That's kind of a crappy choice that we're putting on our less agile
> users.
> To that end, I like the idea of the LTS, simply tagging majors as the
> preferred version for people who require a slower upgrade. This would focus
> those users into certain versions and improve maintenance on them. It could
> even just be unofficial, a version that CloudStack users agree on. From a
> versioning perspective this doesn't sound a whole lot different from the
> old scheme where 4.4 and 4.5 were essentially an LTS, but it is still
> better because we've improved the release process. Of course, we still have
> to reign in the changes to these LTS versions and stop allowing new
> features to creep in simply because customers who are on that LTS need the
> feature.


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