Thanks for explanation Ian and Will.

Much appreciated.

On 4/5/16 8:33 PM, Ian Rae wrote:
> I don't believe this is freely available, rather is a tool Citrix developed
> for helping troubleshoot CCP customer deployments. I would imagine that
> Accelerite owns this tool now and it is likely available if you are an ACP
> customer, but not necessarily for ACS users.
> Probably best for Accelerite to comment.
> On Tuesday, 5 April 2016, Will Stevens <> wrote:
>> It used to be CCP Doctor and it is not in ACS from my understanding.  It is
>> a set of scripts that will do basic validation of a CloudStack setup.  It
>> does things like verify the system VMs are running and the connectivity is
>> working between all of the systems.  It also does some checking to make
>> sure the versions of software is correct and checks some things in the DB
>> as well.  It also collects a whole crap ton of logs and database dumps (i
>> think) and zips them up for easy transfer to support so they can get a
>> solid feel for your setup.
>> It also has 'suggestions' for things you can do to fix different aspects of
>> your setup.  Things like setting 'ulimit' to 'unlimited' and will give you
>> the command to run.  It also lets you pass a 'fix' flag and it will
>> automagically make all the changes for you.  I am too paranoid to have
>> actually used the fix flag because I was always using this in production
>> environments and I am a little too risk averse to let a script do anything
>> for me (unless I wrote it).
>> Does that answer your question?  It should be freely available and you
>> should be able to run it against ACS, so you should be able to try it
>> out...
>> It is a pretty useful tool to be honest.  Especially if you are
>> troubleshooting an environment you didn't setup.
>> *Will STEVENS*
>> Lead Developer
>> *CloudOps* *| *Cloud Solutions Experts
>> 420 rue Guy *|* Montreal *|* Quebec *|* H3J 1S6
>> w *|* tw @CloudOps_
>> On Tue, Apr 5, 2016 at 5:28 PM, ilya <
>> <javascript:;>> wrote:
>>> Saw ACP Doctor in CCP release notes from Accelerite.
>>> Curious what it is, is it integrated into cloudstack or collection of
>>> shell scripts?
>>> Thanks
>>> ilya

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