Will - You can override a method in Python, but can you overload it?


> On Apr 30, 2016, at 6:23 AM, Will Stevens <williamstev...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Here is a pretty good explanation.
> http://stackoverflow.com/questions/136097/what-is-the-difference-between-staticmethod-and-classmethod-in-python
> I am guessing that both exist because the function is called both with a
> host instance and with the class itself.
> Class instance example: `h.enableMaintenance(client)`
> Class example: `Host.enableMaintenance(client, 1)`
> In both cases the first parameter is implicitly `h` and `Host`
> respectively.
> I am not sure why we need both (because I am not familiar with how this
> code is called), but method overloading is definitely valid in python.
> On Apr 30, 2016 1:08 AM, "Tutkowski, Mike" <mike.tutkow...@netapp.com>
> wrote:
>> Hi everyone,
>> I received an error when trying to invoke the instance version of
> enableMaintenance (below).
>> 'TypeError: enableMaintenance() takes exactly 3 arguments (2 given)\n']
>> I looked at base.py and it has the following with regards to maintenance
> mode for hosts:
>>    def enableMaintenance(self, apiclient):
>>        """enables maintenance mode Host"""
>>        cmd = prepareHostForMaintenance.prepareHostForMaintenanceCmd()
>>        cmd.id = self.id
>>        return apiclient.prepareHostForMaintenance(cmd)
>>    @classmethod
>>    def enableMaintenance(cls, apiclient, id):
>>        """enables maintenance mode Host"""
>>        cmd = prepareHostForMaintenance.prepareHostForMaintenanceCmd()
>>        cmd.id = id
>>        return apiclient.prepareHostForMaintenance(cmd)
>> Now, I definitely have a lot more Java experience than Python, but - as
> far as I know - having two methods with the same name such as this (even if
> one is an instance method and the other is a class method) is not really
> "permitted" in Python.
>> I mean, technically it's permitted, but the second one will override the
> first one.
>> Can any of our Python people comment on this?
>> I was thinking I'd remove the class method (assuming my knowledge here
> regarding this topic is correct).
>> Thanks!
>> Mike

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