Thanks Will, please also merge/test this PR which fixes  the CI failures and 
Nio related issue:

Rohit Yadav


Rohit Yadav
53 Chandos Place, Covent Garden, London  WC2N 4HSUK
On May 13 2016, at 2:32 am, Will Stevens <> wrote:


   - 1537 - master (ready, pending Jenkins)
   - 1514 - 4.7 (pending Jenkins)
   - 1520 - master (ready, pending Jenkins)
   - 1482 - 4.7 (pending Jenkins & LGTM)
   - 1403 - master (pending LGTM, run CI again to be sure)
   - 1532 - master (ready, pending LGTM and Jenkins)
   - 956 - master (ready, pending Jenkins and verification)
   - 1516 - master (ready, pending Travis)
   - 1455 - master (ready, pending LGTM)
   - 1376 - master (ready, pending 1515 conflict)
   - 1280 - master (ready, pending LGTM)
   - 1424 - master (pending LGTM)
   - 1297 - master (pending verification)
   - 1464 - master (pending LGTM)
   - 1410 - 4.7 (ready, pending LGTM)
   - 1486 - 4.7 (ready, pending LGTM)
   - 1436 - master (CI posted, needs review)
   - * 1423 - master + svm (*pending CI)
   - 1371 - master + svm (figure out how to test)
   - 872 - master + svm (pending CI)
   - 866 - master (pending LGTM)
   - 1523 - master (*pending CI)
   - 1304 - master (needs work)
   - 1503 - master (bbl1)
   - 1513 - 4.8 (bbl2)
   - 1450 - 4.7 (ready, pending LGTM)
   - 1331 - 4.7 (cs1)
   - 1470 - 4.7 (being fixed)
   - 1471 - 4.7 (pending comments)
   - 1412 - 4.6 (pending ALL)
   - 1406 - 4.6 (pending LGTM)
   - 1378 - 4.6 (pending LGTM)
   - 1533 - master (pending LGTM)
   - 1491 - 4.7 (ready, pending LGTM)
   - 1360 - master (pending LGTM)
   - 1499 - master (pending ALL)
   - 883 - master (pending ALL)
   - 956 - master (needs work)
   - 846 - master (pending CI)
   - 1244 - master (needs work)
   - 1511 - master (bbl4)
   - 1530 (1351) - master (pending tests)
   - 1519 - 4.7 (needs work)
   - 1437 - master (pending HyperV CI)
   - 985 - master (bbl3)
   - 1269 - master (pending LGTM)
   - 669 - master (pending ALL)
   - 1494 - master (bbl3)
   - 1417 - master (marvin fails to import)
   - 1540 - master (pending LGTM and verification)

​Sorry this update is so late. I have been pretty buried trying to stay on
top of everything in preparation for the freeze next week.

If you have some time *PLEASE* help out with some code review. We have​ 18
PRs that are pending LGTM reviews and most of them are ready to merge
assuming I get some code review.

I will be freezing master early next week. I said Monday, but it will
likely be Tuesday since I expect to have a lot of work trying to get the
last stuff in that has been reviewed.

If there are PRs that you think are ready that you think should be in 4.9,
speak now or forever hold your peace. I am doing my best to keep things
moving and getting the different PRs into a good place...

Right now we are down to *161 PRs* so we have definitely made progress. I
think there are another 20 that we could reasonably get in if we do a bit
of a blitz of code review...



PS: I don't know how Remi did this for so long. I need some sleep... :P

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