just resurfaced from testing 1536. I'm missing it in your list.

Get sleep and maybe a weekend now and again!

On Thu, May 12, 2016 at 11:02 PM, Will Stevens <williamstev...@gmail.com>

>    - 1537 - master (ready, pending Jenkins)
>    - 1514 - 4.7 (pending Jenkins)
>    - 1520 - master (ready, pending Jenkins)
>    - 1482 - 4.7 (pending Jenkins & LGTM)
>    - 1403 - master (pending LGTM, run CI again to be sure)
>    - 1532 - master (ready, pending LGTM and Jenkins)
>    - 956 - master (ready, pending Jenkins and verification)
>    - 1516 - master (ready, pending Travis)
>    - 1455 - master (ready, pending LGTM)
>    - 1376 - master (ready, pending 1515 conflict)
>    - 1280 - master (ready, pending LGTM)
>    - 1424 - master (pending LGTM)
>    - 1297 - master (pending verification)
>    - 1464 - master (pending LGTM)
>    - 1410 - 4.7 (ready, pending LGTM)
>    - 1486 - 4.7 (ready, pending LGTM)
>    - 1436 - master (CI posted, needs review)
>    - * 1423 - master + svm (*pending CI)
>    - 1371 - master + svm (figure out how to test)
>    - 872 - master + svm (pending CI)
>    - 866 - master (pending LGTM)
>    - 1523 - master (*pending CI)
>    - 1304 - master (needs work)
>    - 1503 - master (bbl1)
>    - 1513 - 4.8 (bbl2)
>    - 1450 - 4.7 (ready, pending LGTM)
>    - 1331 - 4.7 (cs1)
>    - 1470 - 4.7 (being fixed)
>    - 1471 - 4.7 (pending comments)
>    - 1412 - 4.6 (pending ALL)
>    - 1406 - 4.6 (pending LGTM)
>    - 1378 - 4.6 (pending LGTM)
>    - 1533 - master (pending LGTM)
>    - 1491 - 4.7 (ready, pending LGTM)
>    - 1360 - master (pending LGTM)
>    - 1499 - master (pending ALL)
>    - 883 - master (pending ALL)
>    - 956 - master (needs work)
>    - 846 - master (pending CI)
>    - 1244 - master (needs work)
>    - 1511 - master (bbl4)
>    - 1530 (1351) - master (pending tests)
>    - 1519 - 4.7 (needs work)
>    - 1437 - master (pending HyperV CI)
>    - 985 - master (bbl3)
>    - 1269 - master (pending LGTM)
>    - 669 - master (pending ALL)
>    - 1494 - master (bbl3)
>    - 1417 - master (marvin fails to import)
>    - 1540 - master (pending LGTM and verification)
> ​Sorry this update is so late.  I have been pretty buried trying to stay on
> top of everything in preparation for the freeze next week.
> If you have some time *PLEASE* help out with some code review.  We have​ 18
> PRs that are pending LGTM reviews and most of them are ready to merge
> assuming I get some code review.
> I will be freezing master early next week.  I said Monday, but it will
> likely be Tuesday since I expect to have a lot of work trying to get the
> last stuff in that has been reviewed.
> If there are PRs that you think are ready that you think should be in 4.9,
> speak now or forever hold your peace.  I am doing my best to keep things
> moving and getting the different PRs into a good place...
> Right now we are down to *161 PRs* so we have definitely made progress.  I
> think there are another 20 that we could reasonably get in if we do a bit
> of a blitz of code review...
> Cheers,
> Will
> PS: I don't know how Remi did this for so long.  I need some sleep...  :P


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