I managed to solve it, thanks Simon:

Steps, give or take:
- add new physical network via CM
- enable new physical network via CM
- manually define VLAN as isolation method in DB (add new ROW
in physical_network_isolation_methods table)
- duplicate existing Guest network row from table
physical_network_traffic_types (new uuid, and other changes as needed, to
reflect new KVM label "bond0") - so this network becomes another Guest
- Edit tags on both guest physical networks (via GUI)
- Updated tags all Network Offerings inside DB (to match bond0.950 as main
vxlan guest carrier network) - maybe not needed, maybe yes...
- found "hidden" DB record in network_offering table called
"System-Private-Gateway-Network-Offering" and this is where I needed to set
tag to match the tag on second Guest network (bond0)

after this all works as expected

Very purely documented (but I'm assuming much easire when you create 2
Guest networks during adding Zone in begining)

I will see to update docs, once I'm clear on this procedure in more

Thanks a lot Simon !

On 3 May 2017 at 23:34, Andrija Panic <andrija.pa...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Ok, thanks, I need to read a bit on tagging networks, first time I
> encounter this.
> agent.properties only has 1 guest interface definition (
> guest.network.device=bond0.950), so I will see how this behaves...
> Thanks for input Simon
> On 3 May 2017 at 23:19, Simon Weller <swel...@ena.com> wrote:
>> We deploy with 2 physical interfaces. 1 is for vxlan guest networks and
>> the other is a trunk interfaces for public, mgmt and private gateways. We
>> found that tagging was necessary, or the incorrect interface can be
>> selected because both have guest networks.
>> ________________________________
>> From: Andrija Panic <andrija.pa...@gmail.com>
>> Sent: Wednesday, May 3, 2017 4:09 PM
>> To: dev@cloudstack.apache.org
>> Cc: us...@cloudstack.apache.org
>> Subject: Re: help/advise needed: Private gateway vs. new physcial network
>> issue
>> Hi Simon,
>> not at all. We use tags only for storage and compute(service)/disk
>> offerings...
>> But,
>> I just found out, even when I change recird in DB record, change KVM label
>> from bond0.950 to bond0, then disable/enable zone, and even restart mgmt
>> servers, still ACS provision vlan 999 on top of bond0.950 although I
>> selected bond0.
>> Her is funny thing: when I changed agent.properties
>> file guest.network.device=bond0.950 to bond0, then it worked (at least
>> proper PIF selected)...but again this can't be done on production in my
>> case
>> It would be interesting to know (Cloudops and others) if you guys use same
>> physical network to carrrie guest private networks (vlans or vxlans?) AND
>> these new vlans for PRIV.GTW. We use vxlans gor guest traffic...
>> Thanks Simon,
>> Andrija
>> On 3 May 2017 at 23:01, Simon Weller <swel...@ena.com> wrote:
>> > Andrija,
>> >
>> >
>> > Do you have any network tagging setup for your vpc network offerings
>> that
>> > correspond to your zone network tags?
>> >
>> > ________________________________
>> > From: Andrija Panic <andrija.pa...@gmail.com>
>> > Sent: Wednesday, May 3, 2017 3:46 PM
>> > To: us...@cloudstack.apache.org; dev@cloudstack.apache.org
>> > Subject: help/advise needed: Private gateway vs. new physcial network
>> issue
>> >
>> > Hi all,
>> >
>> > I'm trying to to test Private Gateway on our production (actually on DEV
>> > first :) ) setup, of ACS 4.5,
>> > but I'm hitting some strange issues during actual creation of PV GTW.
>> >
>> > My setup is the following:
>> >
>> > ACS 4.5, advanced zone KVM (ubuntu 14)
>> > mgmt network: KVM label/name: cloudbr0
>> > sec. stor.network KMV label/name: cloudbr2
>> > guest network KVM label/name: bond0.950 (we use vxlans, so this is
>> > apropriate...)
>> > public network KVM label/name: cloudbr3
>> >
>> > This above is all fine, but when adding PRIV.GTW, ACS tries to provision
>> > new vlan interface (later with bridge...) on top of selected physical
>> > interface (from the list above) - which in my case is impossible, as it
>> > seems.
>> >
>> > So I decided to add addional Physical Network (name: bond0), so I expect
>> > ACS will provision i.e. bond0.999 vlan interface for one PRIV.GTW for
>> > testing purposes (vlan 999)
>> >
>> > - in running zone, I need to disable it, then I use CloudMonkey to add
>> > zone:
>> > * create physicalnetwork name=bond0 broadcastdomainrange=zone
>> > zoneid=d27f6354-a715-40c7-8322-a31091f97699 isolationmethod=vlan
>> > Afterwards I do enable the zone: update physicalnetwork state=Enabled
>> > id=3424e392-e0a1-4c21-81d9-db69acbe6c8e
>> >
>> > First command above, does NOT update DB table
>> > cloud.physical_network_isolation_methods
>> > with new record, so when you list network it dont mentions
>> > isolation_method.
>> > OK, I edit DB directly, and create new row referencing new network by
>> ID,
>> > and vlan set as isolation method.
>> >
>> > BTW, table cloud.physical_network_traffic_types is not populated,
>> which I
>> > assume is OK/good since I don't want any normal traffci
>> > (mgmt/guest.public/storage) to go over this physical net - but again
>> this
>> > might be the root of problems ? Since the only guest network is on PIF
>> > bond0.950
>> >
>> > When I try to create PRIV.GTW, ACS does some magic, and again tries to
>> > provision vlan 999 interface (example vlan from above) on bond0.950
>> (guest
>> > network) (bond0.950.999)
>> >
>> > I checked the logs (attached below) and it does trie to provision GTW on
>> > new physical network really.
>> >
>> > I'm assuming, that maybe since no values for new bond0 network inside
>> table
>> > cloud.physical_network_traffic_types is populated, that than ACS fails
>> > back
>> > to only available guest network, and that is bond0.950 - also I recall
>> we
>> > need to define KVM label so the ACS will actaully know on which
>> interface
>> > to use... (which is missing from DB for new bond0 network, as
>> explained...)
>> >
>> > I checked the logs, and didn't see any intersting stuff really (perhaps
>> I'm
>> > missing something...)
>> > https://pastebin.com/MZXrK31M
>> [https://pastebin.com/i/facebook.png]<https://pastebin.com/MZXrK31M>
>> PRIV.GTW created on wrong PIF - Pastebin.com<https://pastebin.
>> com/MZXrK31M>
>> pastebin.com
>> > [https://pastebin.com/i/facebook.png]<https://pastebin.com/MZXrK31M>
>> >
>> > PRIV.GTW created on wrong PIF - Pastebin.com<https://pastebin.
>> com/MZXrK31M
>> > >
>> > pastebin.com
>> >
>> >
>> >
>> >
>> > I would really appreciate any help, since I dont know which direction
>> to go
>> > now...
>> >
>> >
>> >
>> >
>> >
>> > --
>> >
>> > Andrija Panić
>> >
>> --
>> Andrija Panić
> --
> Andrija Panić


Andrija Panić

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