Hi All,

I've been looking at the failing Marvin tests for Private Gateways.    It 
passes on std VPC and fails on rVPC.
The test tries to ping a VM on a remote VPC via the private gateways on both 
Digging into it, I found that an ARP request goes out for the remote VM from 
the local VR to the remote VR, the local VR receives it, then nothing.  On the 
std VRs a reply goes back out.

I've checked all interfaces to see if the reply is going out of the wrong 
interface, but it just isn't going out anywhere.  I can't figure out why no 
reply seems to be generated...  Obviously the answer is in the difference in 
config and packages on VPC vs rVPC - but I can't find it.

HELP!  Any ideas anyone?

Kind regards,

Paul Angus

53 Chandos Place, Covent Garden, London  WC2N 4HSUK

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