So then, based on the use case you mentioned, you are saying you don't really 
care about minimum limits, right?

Are the values you specify for the disk offering going to be translated into 
the standard min and max values that get stored in the volumes table? If that 
is the case, then the storage driver code won't need to change. You would 
perform the translation and then pass in the min and max values to the driver 
as is done today.

In that situation, you would only need four new fields in the 
cloud.disk_offering table. Perhaps a fifth column saying whether you were using 
IOPS/GB or the standard way.

On Jul 27, 2017, at 12:45 PM, Syed Ahmed 
<<>> wrote:

Hi Mike,

In case of min and max values of IOPS for a specific offering, there is another 
use case. We want to offer tiered storage. Right now if we have a disk 
offering, there is no way for us to limit the IOPS that the customer can set. 
We want to have say an offering which scales upto 10k IOPS and if the want more 
IOPS, they must switch to a higher tiered offering which has its values set to 
a higher limit.

As for compatibility with existing offering. You are right, the existing 
offerings will still work as expected. An IOPS/GB setting will be used 
independently of the current method (fixed or custom)


On Thu, Jul 27, 2017 at 2:34 PM, Tutkowski, Mike 
<<>> wrote:
Hi Syed,

I have a couple questions.

What about the minimum number of IOPS a storage provider can support?

For example, with SolidFire, in some releases we can go down as low as 100 IOPS 
per volume and in newer releases as low as 50 IOPS per volume.

Perhaps you should just leave it to the storage driver to confine itself to its 
minimum and maximum values. This would not require such parameters to be passed 
to the disk offering.

Another question I have is how compatibility will work between this proposed 
feature and the existing way this works. I assume it will be an either or 


> On Jul 27, 2017, at 9:34 AM, Syed Ahmed 
> <<>> wrote:
> Hi All,
> I am planning to add 4 new parameters to the disk offering. The use case for 
> this is as follows:
> We want to provide a provisioned IOPS style offering to our customers with 
> managed storage like SolidFire. The model is similar to GCE where we have 
> IOPS scale with the size based on a predefined ratio. So for this I want to 
> add two options. minIOPSPerGB and maxIOPSPerGB. Now, based on what storage 
> you have, you have limits on the highest values for your min and max IOPS and 
> after which you don't want to scale your IOPS (SolidFire for example can do 
> 10k minIOPS and 20k max IOPS). To support this, I have to add two more 
> parameters, highestMinIOPS, highestMaxIOPS. This should work with existing 
> disk offerings without problem. I am looking for comments on this approach. 
> Would really appreciate your reviews.
> Thanks,
> -Syed

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