Hi again

We found the main problem.

== cloud-postinit hang

When having many iptables rules resulting in cloud-postinit to hang for
10min unless it was killed by systemd. As a result the ssh daemon was
not started for 10 min because it is configured to be started after

It seems the issue was already fixed by

== VR still needs manual reboot

However, we still notice adapter changes after a reboot: see before
after screenshots of "ip addr" in
https://photos.app.goo.gl/9XsjOJjLqQ9SRjYV2. We still need to manually
reboot the VR to make the network actually working.

== VR has too many adapters?

Next thing we noticed there are many network adapters (NICs) for this
non-vpc router (see screenshot of the vcenter in
https://photos.app.goo.gl/9XsjOJjLqQ9SRjYV2). Adapter 4 and 5 seem
unnecessary. Any comments on that?

== VR with 256 MB RAM dows not work

Next issue we found is, that the VR must have more than 256MB RAM.
Otherwise systemd will complain the daemon can not be reloaded, because
the ram disk of /run has too less space.

Feb 23 16:24:36 r-413-VM postinit.sh[1089]: Failed to reload daemon:
Refusing to reload, not enough space available on /run/systemd.
Currently, 8.6M are free, but a safety buffer of 16.0M is enforced.
root@r-413-VM:~# df -h /run/
Filesystem      Size  Used Avail Use% Mounted on
tmpfs            16M  7.2M  8.7M  46% /run

Increaing to 512MB RAM helped:

root@r-413-VM:~# df -h /run/
Filesystem      Size  Used Avail Use% Mounted on
tmpfs            41M  7.8M   34M  19% /run

Unsure if this can be tuned on systemd level, didn't find a way yet.

== VR API Command timeouts

When executing command related to VR, e.g. restart network, start/stop
router the command won't reach the vcenter api, and times out. We are
unsure yet, why.

== VR minor fixes

Next we fixed 2 minor things along.

* rsyslogd config syntax issue
* IMHO we should start apache2 also after cloud-postinit

Also see https://github.com/apache/cloudstack/pull/2468


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