devs, I thought I had already sent a mail about this but i cannot find it.
I'm sure i had mentioned it somewhere (probably on github).
this is a follow up on [1] and hopefully you'll agree, a slight improvement.

here it comes:

At the moment we are creating PRs with a [WIP] or [DO NOT MERGE] tag in the
title. This title stands the chance of being merged once we agree the PR is
ready for merge. It also clutters the title.

Github has introduced a nice feature a while ago; draft PR. When creating a
PR you can opt not to open it for merge but as draft. Choose a button left
of the "Create pull request" button, marked "Create draft PR". It will be a
full PR with all CI and discussion possibilities open. The only difference
is the merge button being disabled. One will than have to make/mark it
"ready for merge" before it *can* be merged.

please shoot any comments you may have back at me,


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