
I'm trying to investigate and experiment with a few things and new ideas around 
our QA/automation and CI/CD. I want to build initial support around this and 
ask if anybody has any feedback, objections on this;

Taking inspiration from kubernetes and other apache projects [2][3], I'm trying 
to explore the following use-cases and requirements that are initiated by a new 
community github bot [1]:

  *   Triage issues and PRs:
     *   Add labels on issues and PRs
     *   Assign reviewers and approvers for PRs
     *   Perform any other checks and misc things (for ex. welcome new 
     *   Have ability to remind people on issues and PRs (for ex. /remind in 2 
weeks... etc)
  *   Kick tests, lints etc using apache approved/integrated automation hooks, 
Github Actions etc.
  *   Generally, explore use of Github Actions, marketplace apps/bots or 
existing opensource systems such as prow
  *   Report code coverage, stats, and other relevant/related advice

And, if ASF infra permits, eventually the bot may perform the following mundane 
tasks which can help our RMs and contributors who end of spending a lot of time 

     *   Keep track of latest CI/CD reports (for ex. smoketests reports) and 
remove old reports/comments
     *   Help re-kick failed jobs (builds and tests, for example try to build 3 
time before giving up, or rekick failed test) or notify relevant people (maybe 
an external test-runner dashboard?)
     *   Remind people when their PRs are outdated, have merge-conflicts etc.
     *   Automated merging of PRs that pass community merge guidelines, tests; 
also ability for RM/contributors to put a /hold on a PR
     *   For docs, website repos: build docs/website and publish on staging; on 
another command merge staging (Apache Airflow and others have some good 
examples of how they do it)
     *   Discuss and automate other things to assist RMs and contributors in 
their day-to-day activities (take feedback for some use-cases, examples)

(Note: the above things are largely beyond the scope of and additional features 
to the current blueorangutan bot which is currently limited to 
pkging+smoketests with different hypervisors and is gated due to limited lab 

For PoC/investigation purposes, I've created a new community github bot [1] 
which assuming it works and meets the goals can be moved and managed under the 
ACS PMC wing.

I hope to have your support in the initial phase of investigation and see what 
PoC integrations we can enable to begin with on the apache/cloudstack,  
apache/cloudstack-documentation, and apache/cloudstack-www repos.




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