Title: Message
Well, I have solved my own problem...it seems that jxpath has been upgraded since I last browsed the docs and java functions can be directly called from xpath.
Therefore, with the jdk 1.4, I am able to do the following within my schema:
  <rule context="timestamp">
   <assert test="string-length(.) &gt; 0">Enter a the date and time.</assert>
   <!-- date format: mm-dd-yyyy hh:mi am|pm -->
   <assert test="java.util.regex.Pattern.matches('^\s*\d{2}-\d{2}-\d{4}\s+\d{1,2}:\d{2}\s+[ap]m\s*$', .)">Enter the date and time in the proper format.</assert>
Just thought I'ld share the solution to the problem I posted regarding validation using regular expressions!
-----Original Message-----
From: Jonathan Spaeth [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, July 24, 2003 10:12 AM
Subject: Advanced form validation using jxforms

I have been working on a set of cocoon apps for the past three or four months now. The basic idea is simple data management; replacing a large number of spreadsheets with sql-database-driven apps using cocoon and jxforms (originally xmlform, but I migrated when jxforms became available).

The problem or issue I have recently come across is the need to do more advanced form validation than is easily doable with the standard set of xpath functions.  Specifically, if some type of regular expressions functionality were available to the schematron validator system, the validation system would be much more powerful.

Currently, (as far as I know; please correct me if I'm wrong), the only way to register a jxpath extension function is by manipulating java code.  If the validator classes were modified to ... Say ... Register a java class to use as a jxpath extension function by associating it with a namespace within the schematron xml document, I believe we could obtain some regular _expression_ matching or validation within the jxforms validator.

Any questions or suggestions or comments?


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