Gianugo Rabellino wrote:

Robert Simmons wrote:


Many open
source projects have yet to bridge this gulf and only a few have done it
sucessfully (apache web server, ant, log4j, tomcat, jboss). For example, the
decision to NOT distribute a binary build of cocoon is a good example of
going in the opposite direction of business. Many business consultants are
not interested in building source, but rather using the product as is.

Oh, gosh... will not distributing a binary build be enough for us not to "cross the bridge"? Let's have a party on this side of the river with Linus then. Oh, and please tell me where you are going to find Gnome or KDE binary distributions (RPM, DEB and other linux distro packages don't count). And tell the FreeBSD guys that their port system is doomed.

Gianugo, I'm outraged! How could you forget to mention Gentoo???!!!


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