On Thu, 28 Aug 2003, Robert Simmons wrote:

> It is .. Ive been wrong before and I admit Im no Avalon or cocoon source
> code expert. Im very direct in my style and I wish people wouldnt take it
> offensively. I merely abhor cheerleading. There are lots of things I love
> about cocoon but the logging irritates me. *shrug* =^)

>From someone who learned this himself the hard way:

In an email conversation, don't expect your recipients to cope with 'your
style' just because you have explained them you mean no harm, and you
'just happen to be direct'.

I find it much more effective if you try and shape your style towards
optimal reception by your recipients: not by easy excuses for your
directness, but by showing _you_ are aware of this directness, and are
willing to tone down in respect for your recipients.

I'll now refrain from helping you in getting connected with this
community, and I do hope you are able to flex your directness into a more
positive style of communication.

Don't expect us to feel honoured just by your presence. The fact you are
coming back says all.

With the best intentions,



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