Now I'm confused ...

With the container encoding all resources are read, i.e. my text files and the request. The form encoding only recodes the request parameters to the expected (i.e. container) encoding. So it works like a servlet filter.


On 01.11.2003 12:36, Bruno Dumon wrote:

On Sat, 2003-11-01 at 12:24, Joerg Heinicke wrote:

On 01.11.2003 12:08, Reinhard Poetz wrote:

personally I think this patch should come together with a change to our web.xml so we rather change the default form-encoding to be also "utf-8"

sorry, I don't understand this. Does this mean the general encoding is
iso-8859-1 and the form encoding is UTF-8? If yes, why two different

These are two different things.

On the one hand there is the container encoding. It defines with which encoding textfiles are read, e.g. properties files. It's about servlet container <=> file system.

The "container encoding" mentioned here is the encoding with which the
servlet container decoded request parameters. The servlet spec says that
this should always be ISO-8859-1 (unless the client specified another
encoding or, from 2.3, request.setCharacterEncoding is used). This
parameter has nothing to do with the encoding used to decode e.g. text
files, and should normally always be left to ISO-8859-1.

Some more info about all this can be found on this wiki page:

On the other hand there is the form encoding. It defines with which encoding requests are read. It's about servlet container <=> clients.

I hope it's correct so.

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