Ugo Cei wrote:

Stefano Mazzocchi wrote:

Ugo Cei wrote:

Since we don't have a NIO-based implementation of the persistent store, yet, why upgrade now? When we have it, I'll be more than willing to vote +1.


this is chicken-egg problem: nobody is going to implement something on 1.4-only API if they aren't sure the community is going to accept it.

We don't have to decide right now, but I think it would be good to give the signal "please go ahead and experiment if you think it makes sense, we'll judge depending on the advantages".


This is exactly what I'm trying to say: "Go ahead and experiment. When you have something to show, be certain that we won't require compatibility with 1.3 anymore, just for the sake of it. We'll judge depending on the advantages, when we have something to base our judgment on".

This is why I voted -0.5 and not -1, not to pose a veto but to signify that we shouldn't abandon compatibility with 1.3 just because we might exploit some cool new feature of 1.4 someday.

Anyway, if most committers want to switch to 1.4 _now_, I have nothing personally against it. I've been using 1.4 exclusively for more than I can remember and have recently aligned a bunch of applications to Cocoon 2.1.4, JDK 1.4.2 and Tomcat 5.0.18 (unfortunately 5.0.19 was released a couple of days later) and I plan to migrate some more in the coming weeks.

Great, seems like we have consensus then.


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