Nicola Ken Barozzi wrote:

Unico Hommes wrote:

I believe that the excalibur event package lives on at d-haven [1]. Why not use that?

Oh oh. We did this discussion with the container, I hope we don't have to go over this again for every Avalon dependency we have ;-P

Nope just with Avalon/Excalibur *components* in general. The relationship between Cocoon and its container is much more integral than that between Cocoon and the components it uses. I was under the impression that we would be continuing to use excalibur components. Not knowing the history of the migration of event to d-haven I just wanted to find out whether this case is somehow special. BTW if I inadvertently raised a painful subject I apologize for that, it is not my intention to antagonize at all. But to discuss these issues openly.


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