On 29 Oct 2004, at 13:21, Bertrand Delacretaz wrote:

Le 29 oct. 04, à 12:41, Jeremy Quinn a écrit :

...What I hope to do is to make the Queries persistable in HSQLDB via ORO...

ORO? That's a regexp package, do you mean OJB instead?

Yes <groan> ;)

...I suppose one of the first questions that needs asking before going ahead and making an Apache ORO equivalent to the above, is : is the structure of the SimpleLuceneQuery/SimpleLuceneQueryBean and SimpleLuceneCriterion/SimpleLuceneCriterionBean as good as it needs to be? Can it be improved? Is it easy enough to extend it? Is the Interface overkill? If it is desirable, is it properly done etc. etc...

One simplification in terms of storage might be to edit the query criterion as an XML document and store this as a block in the DB (but I don't know how hard it is to get from this XML to Lucene criteria then).

It would definitely complicate matters.

It would make the DB model much simpler, and I don't think you're running queries on the criterion table anyway, or are you? I imagine querying on the user_id, date and name fields only, so I'm not sure if the separate criterion table brings something.

Also, considering storage of an XML block keyed by user_id, date and name makes it easier to make storage pluggable, allowing file-based storage if someone wants it for example.

I don't want to suggest change for the sake of change, but as you're asking ;-)

OK ;)

Thanks for this feedback, but I am still not convinced .....

...Should QueryFavourites.js be rewritten in Java? Should it be in the style of a DAO?

Dunno about a DAO but it looks like it should - this is not code that is going to change often, and it needs to be robust and tested, so I'd move it to java.

It was written in OO JS as an exercise in my getting used to that form of the language, however, it is now easy to re-code as Java .....

...I guess I need to add a new Block to Cocoon, eek I have never done one !!

It's very easy if you take one of the simplest blocks as a template.

I tried once before, but mierably failed to get it to work, here is my incentive to try again ;)

...Once again, I would like to express my thanks to Antonio for offering to help with this...

We know he's a nice guy ;-)



regards Jeremy

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