In the work I've been doing with Snapbridge recently, I came across a rather neat GUI installer, that basically provides a front end to Ant.

To demonstrate what we _could_ do, if we wanted to, I've knocked up an example of how it might work. You can download it from here:

Just unzip this in the root of your 2.1.X checkout, and run either or gui.cmd.

Some notes about this installer:

1) It won't actually run Ant yet. It isn't likely to be much to make it do it, but I haven't given it the time yet.
2) In its current state, it is GPL licenced. The author has said he's happy to change licence
3) It includes GPL libraries. I'd need to see if the author is prepared to remove these from it
4) The block selection is pretty laborious now. I would extend the installer app so that we can have a single selection box, where we tick/untick each block, and scroll down.
5) I haven't tested the gui.cmd script, but it should work, as the settings are the same as the Unix script.

The installer home is at


Regards, Upayavira

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