On Vie, 20 de Mayo de 2005, 8:38, Daniel Fagerstrom dijo:
> Sylvain proposed [1] to base blocks on the OSGi service platform [2][3].
> After having studied it in more detail I'm completely convinced that it
> is the way to go.
> OSGi
> ====
> The OSGi service platform is a "standarized, component oriented,
> computing environment for networked services". It handled bundles, which
> from a deplyment perspective can be any jar with some extra meta info in
> the manifest. Each bundle declare its dependencies on other bundles and
> what packages it exposes. The framework takes care about classloader
> isolation and there are also support for hot deployment, (which require
> more work in writing the bundles).
> There is lifecycle support for dynamical: installation, start, stop,
> update and uninstallation of bundles.

Cocooon configuration at run time! This sounds great!


> Getting it done
> ===============
> No "next generation", no new SVN branches, no major rewrites.

Big +1!

>                                                   --- o0o ---
> IMO, OSGi seem to be the best choice for kernel for Cocoon's block
> architecture and there is (if I haven't missed something important) a
> low risk, incremental and evolutionary way to get there.


Thanks for the RT!

Best Regards,

Antonio Gallardo

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