
I was reading the ControllingModCache wiki page [1] and it says:

"To generate Content-length, you must currently create your own serializer, to set the buffering flag, as it is not yet configurable."

And indeed, there's no way to configure generation of content-length header in AbstractTextSerializer without overriding the shouldSetContentLenght() method in a subclass.

Is there any particular reason why this has not been made configurable, or is it just that nobody has had this particular itch to scratch yet? In the latter case, I'd like to scratch it myself, if no one objects.


[1] http://wiki.apache.org/cocoon/ControllingModCache

Ugo Cei
Tech Blog: http://agylen.com/
Source.zone: http://sourcezone.info/
Wine & Food Blog: http://www.divinocibo.it/

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