Sylvain Wallez wrote:
Bertrand Delacretaz wrote:

Le 6 juin 05, à 10:28, Steven Noels a écrit :

...That said, we need to discuss access policies to the Daisy instance on our Cocoon zone. It's only logical committers are granted "User" access immediately. What about non-committer documentation contributors?..

I suggest having a vote here before giving them access, to be consistent with our usual way of doing things.


However, this raises the question of how they can contribute before getting access. If they have to provide patches against existing docs, then we loose a large part of Daisy's benefits and will refrain people to contribute. IMO we need a kind of sandbox where non-User people can write some docs.

Can this be achieved using a particular document collection (e.g. sandbox or incubator) where people not yet voted User can work?

This would be difficult to maintain I think. If someone wants to edit a document they would have to copy the file, then the committer would have to copy the changes back.

You can however allow people to self register and give them edit rights (but not publish). Then a committer can publish the edits once they have been reviewed.

If you want to do this I'll talk you through the set-up (I'm not a Cocoon committer so can't do it for you).

And I guess a CLA [1] is required before giving people access, as the documentation is contributed to the ASF.

Yes, for people in the "doc-team" (a better name than "User"), but not for people posting to the sandbox (same rule as the wiki).

In the above model a "user" is someone who self registered, can write but not publish. A committer has the role "doc-team" and can publish.

In this model does a user need to have a CLA? That seems a little restrictive. How about a mechanism like that on the new JIRA installation in which the user has to tick a box to assign copyrights to the ASF when uplaoding an attachement?

I'm not sure exactly how to do this, but Daisy is a Cocoon webapp, I'm sure we can work it out, and Bruno on the Daisy dev list is *very* helpful.


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