Carsten Ziegeler wrote:

Ralph Goers schrieb:
Sylvain Wallez wrote:

So let's switch Cocoon to Maven ;-)
I wish it was that simple. I looked at it a month or so ago. A royal PITA. Unfortunately, I also think it is very necessary. We really need to get the 3rd party jars out of our download.

I think we should start removing the links to the blocks from the "core"
and start building each block separately. Deployment of a block into
Cocoon is simple: adding the jars to the lib directory, adding the confs
to the conf directory and adding the webapp to a mounted directory. I
guess it's easy to write such a maven plugin.

Well, I see blocks a little differently. For example, in the portal block you want to build the block independently of the portal configuration (at least I do). I want the "block" available to someone who wants to create a portal. They then take the portal block and tweak the sample site to become their own block, which is dependent on the portal block. In effect, this means that samples really need to be a separate project from the blocks themselves.

And yes, I think building a plugin is going to be required. Also, I'm pretty sure a switch to maven would also mean a little bit of a change to the directory structure.

Don't get me wrong, I'd love for this to happen and I'd be willing to help once we agree how to do it. I just don't think it is trivial.


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