Joerg Heinicke wrote:
On 16.08.2005 15:04, Carsten Ziegeler wrote:

It's not really here about adding a new block, but about providing a simple and unified way of solving a common problem in Cocoon, which the current pipeline-based auth-framework doesn't seem to solve (I personally never used it).

The interfaces could be in core, along with the basic trivial implementations, and blocks could provide specialized implementations (e.g. JDBC, LDAP, JCR, etc).

Ah, ok adding the classes to core makes imho more sense, agreed.

I would like to see it on the same level as CForms - not in the core, but as what was so called "core block". So you can most easily remove it from your code base if you want to use another authentication framework. But delivering a webapplication framework without an authentication sub-framework is not imaginable ;-)

CAuth :-)

I like the idea.


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