Sylvain Wallez wrote:

                      -- oOo --

Ok, thanks reading so far.

My impression is that with all these changes, Cocoon will be sexy again. Add a bit of runtime analysis of databases and automatic generation of CForms to the picture, and you have something that has the same productivity as RoR, but in a J2EE environment. It also includes what I learned when working on Ajax and the consequences it has on the overall system architecture.

You certainly have noticed that the above is more about the controller than about the sitemap. This is because not much changes are needed there, except content-aware matchers and selectors. But a more featured controller will allow to trash a great number of pipeline components that were invented to circumvent controller limitations. The code base will shrink.

There are also a number of simplifications that can be done by using builtin conventions over configuration, but I'll write about this later.

Tell me your thoughts. Am I completely off-track, or do you also want to build this great new thing?

Thanks for stepping up and kicking the bucket once again Sylvain, we've had a few of these revolution_or_death emails lately and to be honest I don't think this will be the last one.

Cocoon at this point needs ONE vision and ONE roadmap more than anything else. Let's not worry now whether we have the momentum to execute such a radical change, this will come with enthusiasm about the current direction and clarity thereof.

To answer your question : you're fully ON track, and, naive as it may sound, count me in for the this great new thing !


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