Ross Gardler wrote:
Bertrand Delacretaz wrote:

Le 7 déc. 05, à 09:10, Ross Gardler a écrit :

...I envision being able to build a Cocoon application by saying "given these input types, I want this output type" and to have the resulting application automatically tested against my test inputs...

Not sure if I understand what you mean, could you give an example?

Most businesses are made up of common business processes. The odd one will be unique to that business, but most are common. In the case of the unique practices the software needs to be customised, but in the case of common practices an "off-the-shelf" solution is sufficient.

Each common practice has a set of inputs, a set of intermediate states and a set of outputs. If the new Cocoon provides a series of components for transforming from an input to an ouput we can use these components to build complete applications.

Here's a simple example:

- purchase order

Intermediate Docs:
- customer details
- credit approval
- stock level

Required outputs:
- Invoice
- Packing slip

It is possible to describe this process as a series of components, i.e. to get from a "purchase order" document to a "customer details" document use component ABC, to get from a "purchase order" to a "credit approcal" use component XYZ etc.

It is possible to automate the discovery of these components and thus to automatically configure an application to move from document A to document B.

This seem a lot like the concepts of an ESB, someone mentioned ServiceMix [] in a recent thread. It's an interesting vision but is Cocoon NG really going to compete in that arena?


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