On 22 Dec 2005, at 09:20, David Crossley wrote:
Reinhard Poetz wrote:

Each block is a component in JIRA and I can get a summary of all open
issues for a component. Hmm, I think that I don't understand completly the
problem that you want to solve ...

Basically that it is difficult for people to get an idea
of which are the urgent issues to be solved for a release.
If they have some time, what should they solve next.

Looking at the reports from
We have "Open Issues : By Priority" but that is
actually "perceived severity".

Looking at the FOR tracker is even worse. There are some
issues listed as Blocker on that front-page listing and
on our Roadmap, but they are only blockers for that
particular plugin/Component.

I want to add an extra field "fix-priority" to our
issue entry/edit screens in Jira.

Then we can create a report of "Open issues : By fix-priority".

It's called "Urgency" and it's there now (2 minutes job) :-)


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