Giacomo Pati wrote:
> Hi David

Gidday ol' mate. Thanks for helping.

> David Crossley wrote:
> >Would someone please help to get started with Maven.
> >Too many days have been wasted.
> >
> >I have today's Cocoon trunk. Installed Maven-2.0.2
> >
> >$ cd cocoon-trunk
> >$ mvn -Dmaven.test.skip=true clean install
> >... watch thousands of warnings and stuff go by.
> I've very few WARNING messages (except those for old jar 'Not a v4.0.0 
> POM' ones, which come from 'legacy' Maven artifact.

This was populating a brand new local repository.

> The WARNIN message you've included above come IIRC from network problems 
> Maven encountered during download of artifacts. Just redo again until 
> Maven was able to resolve all dependency (and thus has donwloaded all 
> artifacts).

Yeah i have been doing that. Gets to a different place
each time. There are many warnings from various repos,
but it usually gets each from one of the alternates.

Also tried switching back to the EU mirror in ./settings.xml

Currently failing at:

Reason: Error getting POM for 'geronimo-spec:geronimo-spec-javamail' from the 
repository: Error transferring file

> I can confirm, that my build runs almost all the time.

Thanks, that helps :-)


> Ciao
> - -- 
> Giacomo Pati
> Otego AG, Switzerland -
> Orixo, the XML business alliance -
> Version: GnuPG v1.4.2.1 (GNU/Linux)
> iD8DBQFEA/lmLNdJvZjjVZARAjpfAJ9iT1k+Tp/tDszWos/Oxf0pDF8l+ACeM8Ll
> vgpvZdcwTBRTzbtV/4WvmRg=
> =jSys

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