My feelings about the blocks and OSGi are vented here already: too few people know that is going on and what to do and although these features are big promises, at the moment they are just that: promises.

Is it possible to get the best of both worlds and do something like this:

- evolve 2.1.X to include (Carsten's idea) the new configuration features of 2.2 and Spring (and Maven 2 build?). This will be 2.2.

- evolve the current 2.2 into 2.3 including the real blocks and the OSGi stuff. IMHO I think that focusing on real blocks should be first priority and every evolution into a "cocoon-independent" framework should be put on the back burner, otherwise the blocks will never become "real". The first implementation can be crude and clumsy, but then it can benefit from all the accumulated knowledge here.

From my POV this will close part of the huge gap that is currently between 2.1.X and 2.2 and that is probably the biggest problem now.

Bye, Helma

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