Reinhard Pötz wrote:

As we are at it to mavenize the missing blocks, we should also cleanup trunk which is quite a mess. I propose following structure

 +- blocks
 |    +- cocoon-apples
 |    +- ...
 +- core
| +- cocoon-core <-- will finally go completly into blocks but that needs
 |                       more refactoring
 |    +- cocoon-blocks-fw
 +- tools
 |    +- archetypes
 |    +- cocoon-deployer
 |    +- daisy-plugin
 |    +- sitemap-tags-2daisy
 +- site
 +- common (legal stuff, awards, graphics, ...)



Question: Why "cocoon-apples"? Should not be easy to use just "apples"?

Best Regards,

Antonio Gallardo.

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