On 17.04.2006 14:30, Adrien Guillon wrote:
2) Why use Java at all? Would we take that much of a performance hit if we used straight XSLT? We could just aggregate the language packs and use a stylesheet to process the i18n text nodes and substitute them. A large dictionary would be a performance hit, unless we had some way to keep the XSLT stylesheet and parsed XML document resident in memory for whenever it's needed.

That's what we actually had in a former project, an XSLT-based i18n transformer. It was much more flexible, but I don't know any numbers about performance. But if caching is applied appropriately, it should not be that bad.

Our solution had catalogue aggregation based on a pipeline (additional flexibility, part one: you can aggregate arbitrary catalogues, not just by locale). And the texts could be translated recursively (additionale flexibility, part two) by applying the templates to i18n tags in the catalogues.



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